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October 2014 FAIR Treasure Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
FAIR Treasure
Cost: $35/month
Ships To: United States.
Coupon Code: N/A
October 2014 FAIR TreasureOctober 2014 FAIR Treasure
October 2014 FAIR Treasure

Fair Treasure, who kindly sent me this box to review, sends fair trade items such as jewelry, glass wear, pottery and paper goods, to your door each month. Their goal is to make it easier for everyone to explore the very best that Fair Trade products have to offer… and in turn, providing exposure and supporting the communities of people making these treasures.

October 2014 FAIR TreasureOctober 2014 FAIR Treasure
The Box

FAIR Treasure ships via USPS First Class Mail and takes just a few days to arrive.  As usual it shipped timely and arrived in perfect condition.

First Look

Ohh, the first look was great!  It had never gotten anything like this in the past and I was super excited.

The Information Card

The October 2014 FAIR Treasure box contained the following fall offerings:

~Craft Link Bountiful Grove Bowl ($14.50): I don’t know quite what I am going to use this for, but I love it.  Maybe a mini fruit bowl?  It’s a gorgeous bowl and is handmade by the artists at Craft Link.  According to the information card it takes 10 days to soften the wood before it can be formed.

Craft Link Bountiful Grove Bowl – The Information Card
Craft Link Bountiful Grove Bowl

~Marquet’s Akha Jewelry Line ($35.99): This is my favorite piece of jewelry I have ever gotten from a FAIR Treasure box.  And one of my favorite pieces of jewelry that I have ever gotten in any subscription box.  It’s hand-beaded and made from vegan leather in a custom design available to only FAIR Treasure subscribers.  It’s even more beautiful in person than my picture shows.  I am obsessed.

Marquet’s Akha Jewelry Line – The Information Card
Marquet’s Akha Jewelry Line

All totaled I came up with a value of $50.49 for the October 2014 FAIR Treasure box.  I think this was my favorite box that I have ever received from them.  Both items are so perfect and such high-quality pieces.  I am very impressed with this box this month!

What do you think about FAIR Treasure? What’s your favorite item in the box this month? Interested in subscribing or just want to learn more? Click here.

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!