Two on Tuesday

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Two Questions today…..

What are you being for Halloween? I think we talked about the kiddos already, but if you are dressing up, what are YOU being? I am not really a costume person anymore, but I know so many people love it and have a great time with it, so I want to hear everyone’s answers!  And if you are dressing up, tell me where you are headed!  Do you have an annual costume party?  Headed to the bar?

What is something that you purchased (or maybe didn’t buy and always regretted) that you LOVE and have never been able to find again?  I think for me, it’s another set of apothecary jars.  I got mine years and years ago at Costco for like $30 and haven’t seen another set like that since.   I get e-mails from people who saw them on Pinterest wanting to know where they came from so I clearly am not the only one who loves these.  I have high hopes that these will eventually reappear!

Can’t wait to hear your answers!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Chrissy

    I am wearing regular clothes but I made a rainbow/star out of construction paper and mounted it on a stick. I’m going to spout random facts all night and then hum the “the more you know” tune and wave the rainbow around. 😀 Its ridiculous but it makes my husband laugh so.

    Hmmm. I guess I’ve been lucky – anything I’ve lost or regretted buying I’ve been able to find online. Those apothecary jars are gorgeous, though – wish I had them!

    1. Jennifer

      It made me laugh too!

  2. Sabrina

    I have been going to a party at my friends every year for halloween since we all graduated college back in 2002. It has just grown every year with spouses and kids. And i have no clue what to wear, happens every year.. poor planning.

    I think you might be able to find those jars at some place like Old Time Pottery or Garden Ridge. I have a friend who uses them to make little diaramas to sell and I believe thats where she gets them.

    1. Jennifer

      I have seen them sold separate lots of places, but never this same set of three.

      And I am cracking up because I would be the same way. The morning of the party I would be wondering what to do.

  3. Deb

    I bought mine at Homegoods/TJ Maxx a couple of years ago.

    1. Jennifer

      I just can’t find this exact set! It was just so cheap and perfect!

  4. Maria A.

    B/w the falsies from memebox and all the orange lipstick. I’m thinking a cat or a pumpkin lol

    I would love to find a glass figurine I purchase in DC years ago. I tracked the makers and found they went out of business some years ago, but also found there is some dead stock out there somewhere. Hope to find it again someday! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      I hope you find it!!!

  5. Jennifer Hughes

    I started Gone Girl and bought her trilogy of books. Going to warn you….I am staying up way too late at night reading this book. It is that good. I should know better, especially since I am so busy this week.

    We have a Fall Festival at my High School and I will not dress up but I run the Costume Contest and it is a lot of fun. I am too busy getting the kids ready. My little ones are going as Dorthy and the Scarecrow. Couldn’t get any of the teens to dress up as the tornado, lol.

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! They could dress up as those scary monkeys!

  6. Debbie

    I haven’t dress since I started having kids, to busy with their looks. My youngest who is 12 will be going a streampunk girl. We are making her costume, I find it much more fun.
    I bought a London Fog pea coat at Mervin’s in 2003, in Detroit. I let someone use it. I can’t find it anywhere, Loved that coat. it was only a 100.00, and so warm and soft..

    1. Jennifer

      Mervin’s! That is a store I haven’t thought of in a while!

  7. Lorns

    I going to a party to HAVE to dress up, which I hate. Even when I was at uni and Halloween was a big party night, I rarely dressed up!

  8. Elizabeth

    1. I don’t dress up for Halloween anymore. We take the girls trick or treating but my brother used to have a party before he moved out of state and I always dressed up for that.

    2. I had a white ceramic pumpkin on our kitchen table in the fall that I bought at Crate and Barrel years ago. It got broken last year and I just can’t find one I like as much as that one 🙁

    1. Jennifer

      I hate that!!!!

  9. Britney

    Going as rosie the riveter. We’re doing a scarecrow stroll at the end of the month and I have to man the booth for a few hrs. I figured that would be the easiest since I already have a denim shirt and jeans lol. Just need to find the bandana…

  10. Nicole A.

    My sister and I are going as the Grady Twins from The Shining. We usually just go trick-or-treating, but this year, we’re going to a friend’s Halloween party for adults and kids. Looking forward to that, thank goodness for Halloween being on a Friday.

    The only thing I usually regret not buying are concert tickets. I’ll decide I don’t want to pay that much and then the day of the show, I have a mini breakdown about why I didn’t buy tickets (to a then soldout show), so I buy them on stubhub, usually for less than face. I guess it pays off sometimes…

  11. Erica

    8 months pregnant by the time Halloween rolls around, and I’m dressing as Smee the pirate from Peter Pan. He has a little pot belly that pokes out from his shirt so it works!

    1. Jennifer

      That’s so cute!

  12. Mrs. L

    1) Headed to the costume shop tonight. The godkids say they are too old to trick or treat (wahhhhhh) but want to stay home to answer the door and scare kids. I’m going to be the wicked witch who sits on the front porch inviting all the kids to “ring the doorbell if you dare” kind of thing. I’m actually looking forward to it!

    2) I found these “OTT” lights at Costco years ago and bought four. They were sturdy and really worked at my computer desk and my craft room. Never saw them again and all the ones for sale at Michaels and such are these white cheap ones. I keep hoping I see them somewhere. Oh and Bacon Pringles which I found in Tahiti…always keep hoping I run into them again somewhere…..

    1. Jennifer

      Bacon Pringles???? I have never heard of such a thing!

      1. Mrs. L

        They had them in Tahiti but that was seven years ago. Supposedly Wal-Mart has carried them in certain areas every now and then. I’m still on the lookout and hoping someone I know finds them at a store somewhere. Then I will go visit them. With a big truck.

        1. Jennifer

          I will be on the lookout for you too.

  13. lia

    I’m going to be exactly what I was last year: the woman with no kids who turns off all the lights in her home and watches tv upstairs in bed eating my own damn candy. 😀

    1. Jennifer


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