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I got an e-mail a little bit ago with December 2014 Citrus Lane Box Customization details! Subscribers can customize their boxes from now until 12/1 at 11:59PST.
Both of my boxes (2.5 and 4.5 year-old) had the Melissa and Doug Stamp sets, but I know other age groups had books, puzzles, stuffed animals, etc. What items did you get to pick from and how old is your little one?
If you didn’t get the e-mail, just login your Citrus Lane account and select “My Account” in the top right of your screen and then in the left sidebar you’ll see “Customize”. Just click there and you’ll see your selections!
And if you don’t yet subscribe, Citrus Lane is offering an amazing deal for new subscribers. You can use the coupon code “30BONUSBOX” to get a free music themed Bonus Box worth $20 and 30% off your first box with your new subscription purchase!
I had the choices of princess or friendship for my 2.5 year old daughter. I wish the choices weren’t so stereotypical. She would have preferred the boy choices.
Totally agree! My daughter would have loved the dino set more.
Same Melissa and Doug set for my 3 year old daughter. My choice was between a Princess theme or Friendship theme. I went with Friendship, we have plenty of princess stuff as is. 🙂
I agree that they should give the “boy” choices for girls, too! My 3.5-year-old loves animals. She also loves princesses, so I went with that one.
I find I often like the options that come in the “boy” boxes better, based on reviews I’ve read. Though I guess there’s no way to go and change my box to “boy.”
I don’t think you can now during the customize, but you could change your profile to gender neutral I believe??
My 2 year old box option was between books which is fine because I read at least 10 “bookies” a night before a certain little ladybug will go to sleep. REALLY need some more variation!