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This week I am saying So What If….
~I think the FB group I created for my high school reunion next year *might* be more entertaining than the reunion itself. So much high school all in one place!
~I am SO happy that these political ads are off my tv.
~I haven’t been going Target Halloween clearance crazy. 90% off could change that though.
~I think water is boring. I know it is OMGSOGOODFORYOU, but I don’t love it.
~I also didn’t know who Alex from Target was.
~I am beyond excited (and nervous) for Saturday night’s MSU-OSU game.
~I kind of like that it’s getting dark earlier. Well I kind of like for it now. I’ll hate it soon.
~I always love wearing my “I Voted” sticker.
~I thought WB was asking for a “boy of soap” yesterday. Turns out he was asking for a bowl of soup. He was quite happy when I finally figure it out.
~Going to bed earlier does not make me want to get up earlier.
~I will never understand why Buddy insists on barking like crazy every time he goes outside. There is nothing there. There is always nothing there.
~I am always shocked at how much it costs to ship something overseas.
~I still haven’t done anything about fall pictures. I guess they will be holiday pictures now.