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November 2014 The Music Box Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
The Music Box
Cost: $10/month
Ships To: United States
Coupon Code: N/A
November 2014 The Music BoxNovember 2014 The Music Box
November 2014 The Music Box

The Music Box, who kindly sent me this box to review, is a subscription service that sends music and fun gifts to your front door for only $10 a box. They hand pick emerging artists (keeping in mind your favorite genres) and send you new music every month. Additional items that may be included in your Music Box are CD’s, posters, stickers, wristbands, t-shirts, and much more!

November 2014 The Music BoxNovember 2014 The Music Box
The Box

The Music Box ships via USPS and ships at the beginning of the month.

First Look

I have my profile set to B’s taste in music, but I usually end up liking the stuff we get too.  Some of it I wouldn’t go out and see in person or anything, but I like it.

The Information Card

The November 2014 The Music Box contained the following items:

~Ocean & Sky by Jane Marczewski: Hmm. I had high hopes for this at the beginning, but I decided it just wasn’t for me.  I thought it was more folk’ish than Indie, but I also listen to Taylor Swift and One Direction, so I am likely not the right person to categorize music.

Ocean & Sky by Jane Marczewski

~Planes on Paper Download: This one was a little slower than I usually go for, but not a bad song.  It made me a little sad, but that’s okay.

Planes on Paper Download

~Break Out Day Wristband: L always takes the wristbands we get in subscription boxes.  Not sure what he does with them, but he likes them.

Break Out Day Wristband

~Old Fashioned Love by Dan Wolf CD: Not my favorite CD ever to come in a Music Box, but I don’t dislike it!   I like to sing along to songs (while pretending I actually know all of the words) and this month’s batch of cd’s didn’t seem sing-a-long able.  But I know not everyone wants to do that (B certainly doesn’t), so I get it.

Old Fashioned Love by Dan Wolf CD

~Do & Hope The Lauren Anderson Project: She for sure (for sure) has a great voice, but the music itself wasn’t my thing.

Do & Hope The Lauren Anderson Project

~The Lively by LVNA: This CD was my favorite of the bunch!  It was a little moody (that’s how they describe their music too), but I liked it.  It seemed louder and more catchy than the others.

The Lively by LVNA

~Bonus Items: Every box also comes with an assortment of bonus items.  Stickers, candy, magnets, buttons, etc.  You never know what you’ll get and it’s just a fun little treat!


I never do a cost breakdown on this box, but for $10/month I think it’s an awesome way to find some new music you may never have known about before.  Some of it you’ll love and some of it you may not, but it’s always fun to hear new stuff!

What do you think of The Music Box?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to find out a little more, make sure to check them out!

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!