Two on Tuesday!

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Two questions today…..

1. Are you traveling for the Holidays? If so, where are you headed?  We are probably going to head up-north at some point, but I am not sure when or for how long.  We did Christmas in Las Vegas when L was a baby, but we flew out Christmas day, so technically we were home on Christmas morning. Other than that, we’ve always spent Christmas at home.  I am always curious to hear how Santa handles things when you are out of town?  Does he leave a few presents at your location and some at home?  Fill me in!

2. What is your favorite board game?  I feel like I have asked this one in the past, but I did a search and couldn’t find it. Anyway, I am a huge Yahtzee fan!  I’ve loved it since I was a kid and I still love it now.  And I have passed my love for it on to L who is a big fan as well!

Can’t wait to hear your answers!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Kyra

    We aren’t traveling until the week after Christmas and even then just camping so we are only going a few hours away. We are however doing something different for Christmas day and going to Busch Gardens, I hear there is nobody there then!

    We enjoy Monopoly with our 6 yr old but we mostly play alot of card games. I might have to find Yahtzee for Christmas!

  2. bisexual narwhal

    Nope, we never travel for the holidays. My only family is my Mom – who lives with us – and my husband’s extended family is pretty far away. We are always the house where people come if they have nowhere else to go so it’s always an interesting mix of folks!

    And my favorite board game is Clue! We used to have cut-throat games of Clue on family game night, lol.

  3. Jennifer Holzmeyer Louthan

    Once I had kids I told everyone we don’t travel for the holidays. Everyone is welcome to come here but we will be home on Christmas morning. Funny but Ms family always traveled to his grandparents for Chrismtas and his mom brought it up the other year how they always did it and the kids didn’t mind and both M and his brother said they didn’t like going and wanted to stay home. LOL she was shocked but all they wanted was to be home with their toys and friends.
    I love Yatzee. Do you play Dice with friends? Its like yatzee on your phone. 🙂 N is really getting into games so I need to up our game playing here.

  4. laura r

    Not for Christmas, but the 26th we’re heading down to this neat little town called Bisbee and then for New Year’s we’re going to Sedona.

    I like Trivial Pursuit best. My brother finds the most random board games and card games ever though, like Munchkin.

  5. Britney

    1. Yes, we are traveling about three hours north from Houston to our hometown… I get SO homesick and cannot wait to be home with my family and friends. We ge to be home for four days, I am ecstatic!
    2. It’s a close tie between Sorry and Clue, I loved those silly games when I was little and would play in a second if someone asked me to play them now!

  6. Turquoise Sellers

    1. We usually drive 3 hours to visit my in-laws in Manassas. This year we’re staying home. I’m so glad we don’t have to load all of the presents into the car. I’m really thankful we don’t have to sit in DC traffic this year.
    2. My favorite board games are Monopoly, and Life. I get super aggressive when I play Monopoly. I picked up electronic banking Life as a mommy & daddy Christmas gift this year. I can’t wait to play.

  7. Kayla Peterson

    1) my mom is going through chemotherapy and radiation, and this week marks a little more than half way done! I’m going with my fiance, D, to drive up to her housing by the cancer center to see her. I do not have any kids yet, probably in a few years, but when I was a kid, my mom and step dad never traveled, but Santa always knew if I was at my moms house or my biological dads house. I think Santa might just be a genius and follow wherever you go 🙂
    2) every. board. game! LOL! D and I love them! We love apples to apples, monopoly, cranium. We recently played cards against humanity with a couple of friends, and if you have a really open mind and do not mind inappropriate jokes, that one is always fun!

  8. Lia LT

    1) We live in Northern LA County (like, as in, like, Valley Girls) and just traveling in LA county…. but with traffic it’s a pretty harrowing journey!

    2) Taboo has been my favorite since I was a teenager. More recently I’ve really like Cards Against Humanity (which doesn’t have a board but, you know), and Dixit. Dixit is kind of like Apples to Apples but with pictures instead of words- which really makes no sense until you play it. It’s fun, though, and we’ve played it with a 9 year old who did just fine, so it’s nice to have a family game in our stash.

  9. irielle

    We love Apples to Apples with our extended family.

  10. Nich

    I’m visiting my Mom and Sister and the extended family about an hour in half drive from the Bay Area. Favorite game growing up was Connect Four and Hungry Hungry Hippos!

  11. Jennifer

    My dad just arrived from Florida and we will be heading to an Indian Res on Christmas day that is about three hours away. I have been playing the Deluxe version of Munchkin with the teens and other adults and it is a lot of fun.

  12. PA Anna

    1. We are staying home this week. My sister came to visit.

    2. I love all types of board games. Right now my favorite game to play with both boys is Qwirkle. Yahtzee is lots of fun!

  13. Squinj

    1. This year my parents traveled from the very tippy top of Texas 12 hrs south to my house then tomorrow evening we are going just North of Houston to my aunt and uncle’s lake house for the rest of the week.

    Growing up, my clan travelled every year 11 hrs from the top of Texas to my grandparents house to the south. It wAs challenging with there being four of us kids and the family dog. My sister would NOT stay buckled in her seat. We never had a trip without her get a spanking.

    2. My favorite board game is this nerdy one called Settlers of Catan. I used to have a group of friends down here who’d get together with me and play every weekend. Unfortunately time passes and they have moved on to other towns, I am hoping to someday meet up with some super smoking hott man who wants to play board games with me. And of course date me. Hahahaha

  14. Courtney D. Lane

    I love the new game Telestrations. It’s like telephone but better. So much fun and so funny! You’ve gotta get it.

  15. Jasujo

    Clue is definitely one of my favorites. <3 Another favorite is a game called Wasabi! It's kind of like scrabble, but with food ingredients instead of letters. You try to make the recipes on the cards you draw, which are worth points. It's a lot of fun! 🙂 We also like the card game Ghooost! It's like a cross between hearts and Uno, two of my favorite card games. <3

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