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Friday’s Letters

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Dear Parenthood
, I’m going to miss you.  I don’t know what else to say ;(.

Dear Reborn Dolls, Why did I google you? Because I am pretty creeped out. And so is B because I made him look too.

Dear Me, You should have gone to school to learn to fix blog problems instead of accounting.  That would come in much more handy than knowing about Balance Sheets and Income Statements and Journal Entries right now.

Dear Baxter, Please live forever.  You too Buddy.  You are the best dogs ever.

Dear L, You are the best big brother.  You are so kind, so patient and so sweet with WB. You play at his level of roughness and he just adores you.  And so do I ;).

Dear Grey Hair, AHHHHHH,You are getting so bad that regular hair dye doesn’t even cover all of you anymore.  Am I going to need to start buying special dye of this mess?  Maybe.

Dear B, When we are at IKEA tomorrow and it is crazy packed with people, let’s just remember for a second that this was your idea okay? I’m going to love it, but you’ll be annoyed before we even hit the parking lot.  #youridea

Dear GAP, Every time I place an order from you, I can’t help but be amazed by how many separate shipments I receive.  I have no idea how you are making money sending me 5 different shipments each containing one $3 shirt?

Dear WB, I think you might be the sweetest toddler around.  I think you probably give me 100 hugs a day.  When you yell “HUGGIES” and come running towards me for a big hug, well that might just be the best thing ever.

Dear Flat White, It’s been about a week now and you are still my #1. And I am still surprised at how good I think you are.



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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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