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Two questions today…..
1. If you live with your significant other, do you share dresser drawers? I realize that this is a super weird question, but I was cleaning out my sock drawer the other day and started wondering if couples shared the same dresser drawers? B and I do not (we even have separate dressers), but do other people? What about closets? Do you keep your clothes separated (like we do) or are they all mixed up?
2. What celebrity couple do you wish could get back together? Now, I know they weren’t “good” together, but I would love to see Jessica and Nick get back together and for Newlyweds to come back on my tv! I also wouldn’t be sad if Britney and Justin were together again. This is all assuming that none of these people were happily married now of course! Who do you wish would get back together?
Now it’s your turn!