Monday Morning Ramblings

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~Good morning! Lots going on here this week.  Spring Break is over so it’s back to school for L today. I don’t think he’s too excited about that, but the fun has to end sometime! B was away all weekend at a National Guard event, got home last night around dinner time and is headed right back out of town today for work.  WB and I have lots of chores to take care of including getting him signed up for swimming lessons!  And hopefully he starts to sleep a little bit better this week because he hasn’t been sleeping so well lately.

~Did you know that Target now sells Me! Bath products?  I stumbled into them the other day and was SO excited to see them.  They smell SO good and aren’t crazy expensive.  I picked up the Pomegranate Shower Sherbet and have been loving it. I totally recommend checking it out.

Me! Bath at Target
Me! Bath at Target

~Let’s see here, what subscription boxes are coming this week?  I should be getting Beauty Box 5, Hampton’s Laneipsy, Kloverbox, Koala Crate and My Pretend Place.  There are a few more that should be shipping this week (bluum, BOXYCHARM, BarkBox, Citrus Lane, etc.) but I doubt I will receive them by the end of the week.

~Just a few Date Reminders for this month:
~4.13.15 – April 2015 Golden Tote goes on sale.
~4.14.15 – Birchbox Limited Edition Mother’s Day box goes on sale (you can check out contents of that one here).
~4.15.15 – CFDA POPSUGAR Must Have box goes on sale (no spoilers have been released on this one yet).
~4.19.15 – Lily Pulitzer for Target line goes on sale.
~4.28.15 – Allure “Beauty Thrills” Box goes on sale at 12:01pm EST.
I know that Lily Pulitzer one isn’t a subscription box one, but I am way excited about it and *might* even stay up till it launches online to make sure I get what I want!

~Both WB and B have birthdays this weekend so I have to get shopping for those this week too.  I am kind of thinking about a Doll House like this for WB.  I *think* he’d love it, but I am not totally sure.  He likes to play with all those little Paw Patrol, Smurf, SuperHero, etc. guys and I think he’d get a kick out of having a house for them.  For B (who is likely not reading this and should stop now if he is), I might get him a new pair of sunglasses.  He broke his favorite ones (The Proof ones that came in a Summer POPSUGAR Men’s Limited Edition Box) and has been talking about it non-stop.

image credit: Hape
image credit: Hape

~That’s about it from here.  What do you have going on this week?  What boxes are you expecting?


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. brandy

    that is a really cute idea and probably better than 5 houses. we have a great big playmobil castle. E doesn’t really like mixing his sets. the knights play in the castle and the paw patrol plays in the lookout. it had terrible reviews but santa bought it anyways and he’s totally happy with it. santa bought baby the disney castle, which E had wanted but it turns out baby is playing with it now (he likes pressing the button for the music). anyways, get it!

    i’ve been antsy for some retail therapy, i might actually go shop in the store for LP?? also, i am looking for a fun and awesome pill case for one day’s worth of pills. if you see anything… at first i looked at all the luxury leather goods places and found nothing. i just want it to open and have a hard plastic bowl in it and not a separate container. i thought you might have an idea.

  2. Mieke

    My daughters love to play with their Power Ranger and Star Wars guys in their dollhouse (Sometimes it’s a galaxy far, far away, sometimes it’s the middle of an epic space battle, sometimes someone’s rubbed a magic lamp and wished for awesomeness.. basically, children are strange.) BUT ANYWAY, I bet the boys would love having a house for all their tiny people!

    And the Hape house is awesome, even though we don’t have that one. I love all the wooden toys, and they last forEVER!

  3. Katie Sparks

    I’m expecting Boxycharm either today or tomorrow. Possibly Ipsy but I haven’t received my tracking info for that yet.

  4. Emily

    I am wondering what time does the target lilly pulitzer collection go online? I am debating whether I want to shop online or go to a store. Is this the sort of thing that people line up for? Should I go before opening time? Never been this excited about a target collaboration, and I already have 14 items that I want to get!

  5. HeatherP

    im getting Boxycharm tomorrow. I saw the spoilers on Ig and i really liked them. i got budhibox and popsugar today! The skin serum spray is so softening. The smell isnt me but i love the spray so much. budhibox was super fun this month too.

  6. HeatherP

    OHHHHHH and the motherday Glossybox!! I love it. Im sure there will be a code that comes out,but i ordered it anyway. Looks like a great box!

  7. Kelsey A

    What time does the Lilly stuff go on sale?? I’d totally stay up for that too! Midnight?

    1. Jennifer

      I might be wrong but I think it’s 12am PST, so 3am EST…

  8. Alicia

    I definitely getting that mothers day limited edition Birchbox but I am so confused on when it is actually launching. I’ve read the 14th but then 16th and so on, so can someone please tell me when it really comes out? I hope it’s tomorrow! That would be great!

  9. Jenny

    We never got the boys a dollhouse but if C had been my first we might have. He loves to take all his figures and they play house in whatever he can find. We do have the Peppa Pig house which can hold lots of people and he also takes the Imaginext buildings and uses those too. N never really did that as much so I never thought of it but C is all about it.

  10. Pam viner

    I have 5 boys! They would have loved that little house. Great idea

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