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So What Wednesday!

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This week I am saying So What If….

~I don’t feel good but I am pretending I feel fine in hopes it will just go away.
~I have no idea how people can quite Facebook. It’s just so entertaining!
~I had no idea that L doesn’t have school this Friday until yesterday. When he told me.
~The drama in the planner community (yes this is really a thing) is beyond crazy. It’s almost as crazy as the coupon community drama!
~I fall for way too many April Fool’s Day jokes.
~It snowed here yesterday and is supposed to be nearly 70 degrees tomorrow. #puremichigan
~I was so busy thinking about today being April Fools Day that I forgot it also meant a fresh crop of April subscription box reveals!
~I am so tired of getting letters about my personal information being stolen.  First my Target debit card.  Then my regular debit card.  Then my credit card.  Now my health insurance company has sent me a letter.  Enough. Lock that crap down and stat.
~I now have more pregnant sister-in-laws (3) than I have non-pregnant SIL’s (2).
~Sometimes my gmail shows my name as “Holidays in the United States” and I have no idea why or how to change that.  And I am super annoyed by it.
~I have no idea what our plans our for Spring Break next week, but I have a feeling it will involve a trip to Chuck E Cheese (so not my favorite place) because it’s all L can talk about.


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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