Monday Morning Ramblings

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~Good morning! We had a great weekend with my cousins visiting from up-north and then with our Mother’s Day fun yesterday. Color Me Rad was Saturday and OMG did L have a ball! I mean we all did, but L totally loved it. WB even got in on the fun and I think that next year we’re going to have to sign him up for the run too.  He ran a little bit at the end and was into it!

Color Me Rad!
Color Me Rad!

~If you missed it yesterday I posted another Lilly for Target giveaway so make sure to go enter.  I wanted to post this one sooner but I had to make sure that B got the mugs home from Texas (he found them at a Target in Texas) in one piece.  I was a tad worried about that.

Lilly for Target
Lilly for Target Giveaway

~Speaking of B he’s off to Korea today for over a month. We’ll all miss him, but we’ll get to FaceTime and talk on the phone and text so it’s not a huge deal.  He will miss L’s birthday though so we’ll have to have a second celebration for L when he gets home.  I don’t think L will be sad about more cake and singing though ;).

~Lots of subscription boxes should be coming this week and I can’t wait!  I should be getting May POPSUGAR, Sample Society, Birchbox, Bespoke Post, SprezzaBox, Hazel Lane, Yuzen, Orange Glad and the CFDA + POPSUGAR box!  I expect we will be getting some spoilers on that today (or tomorrow) so be ready!

~Did you see that Starbucks has launched the Mini Frappuccino? Considering that I only drink about half of every frappuccino I order this is awesome.

credit: Starbucks
credit: Starbucks

~Is anyone still watching Dancing with the Stars?  What about Teen Mom?  I am hoping that Rumer or Nastia win!  I am super behind on Teen Mom, so if you are still watching, fill me in.  Also, I heard that the new season of Big Brother starts on June 24th (which is also my birthday)! Can’t wait for that.

~That’s about it from here!  What do you have going on this week?  What boxes are you expecting?


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Sarah

    I’m totally still watching DWTS-sad that Robert went home (love his big smile!) and Willow though. I’m rooting for Nastia.

    Also, tried the Smores frapp over the weekend and it was DELISH. Such a fun treat. I’m excited about this mini frapp thing-I hadn’t heard about that!

  2. HH

    I’m still watching DWTS. I’m 100% Team Riker! I feel the same way about him that I felt about Sadie last season. I had no idea who he was going in, but am so impressed with him every week and love to go back and watch his dances. I don’t like Nastia and really hope she doesn’t win. I’d be ok if Rumer won. If Riker’s not in the finale, I’m not gonna watch it.

  3. Amy

    I want Rumer to win DWTS. I don’t have much going on this week aside from work. I might go see Pitch Perfect 2 on Friday night with a friend. I’m expecting my Pop Sugar box a week from today.

  4. Pilar

    I’am team Riker I hope he wins the whole thing. I’am not a fan of Rumer she just look weird to me the whole family look kind of strange to be honest LOL. I’am going to Paris on Thursday so I’am excited about that!

  5. Heatherp

    Cfda spoilers on msa!!! And mut

  6. Jenny

    I’m still watching DWTS which is crazy since I don’t think I’ve watched this much of any one season in years and there isn’t anyone that I’m just really into but I can’t seem to not watch. So odd. LOL

  7. Cindy

    Lilly p umbrella pink with inside fern design my target..also a few pieces of clothing ..jumpsuit swimming tops bottoms and floucy ruffle dress blue pink print. Large size . Lots of lights and random toddler clothing

  8. Yvonne Jones

    Super Random but do you still sell the mixed box of Spark? I have become hooked and would love for you to bring back the mix of flavors. Definitely a great sales tactic lol

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