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Thursday Thoughts

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~Good morning! There is nothing happening around here this week. Well nothing overly exciting anyway. I got a new tree for the front yard which I actually think is exciting but no one else probably does. We used to have a pine tree there but we pulled it out a year or two ago because 1) We didn’t love it and 2) It was growing at an extremely rapid pace and we knew if we didn’t get it out then we’d have to hire someone to do it and it would turn into a mess.  So anyway, I was sick of looking at the mess of weeds and stuff left in that spot so I got a tree and it got planted yesterday.  The rooster was a gift from my cousin up-north and is an ode to the famous post from The Bloggess which cracks me up every time I read it.

The Tree

~I still should be receiving a few subscription boxes this week including Fabletics, POPSUGAR Summer Special Edition Must Have Box (make sure to check out my giveaway here), SprezzaBox, Your Secret Admirer and Orange Glad. I am hoping we get full spoilers for the June 2015 POPSUGAR Must Have Box in the next few days too, but I am not sure if that will be happening or not.

~I took the advice a few of you left on my post about Balloon Bonanza and filled up the next set of balloons in a tub.  They grew much larger than my original batch, but I may have overfilled them because some of them ended up with holes in them.  Regardless I still think this invention is genius.  Filling and tying water balloons is the worst and this does it for you, so it’s worth it.

It worked! Sort of.

~Is anyone else way too excited about the return of Orange is the New Black next weekend?  Do you plan to binge watch like I do?  I cannot wait!  Does anyone know how many new episodes are coming out?  I need to rematch the last few episodes from the last season so I can get up to speed on it.

~The Lilly napkins into pillows project has started!  I think my mom is on the third one?  I need to go get her some more stuffing, but things are happening and I am thrilled with how they are coming out.  The material for the back of the pillows cost me like $6 and each pillow is about $3 in stuffing, and the napkins, well, let’s just say the pillows work out to be about $21/each. Not too bad.  I’ll Instagram them when they are all done and on my couch.

Lilly for Target Napkins into Pillows

~I have a ton of updates to do to the subscription box list this weekend, so if you know of any new boxes, recent closures, updated pricing, etc. let me know and I will make sure to get it added!

That’s all from here!  What are you doing this weekend?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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