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Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
Encourage Play
Cost: $25/month
Ships To: United States & Canada
Coupon Code: N/A

Encourage Play is a monthly playdate box. Each month focuses on a different social skill designed to encourage play and friendships, with an explanation of why the topic of the month is important and helpful to kids who are learning how to play with others and build friendships. Boxes are themed and include 2 play-date activities, as well as, one family activity.
Encourage Play ships via USPS the last week of the month. The cut-off to receive that month’s box is generally around the 20th of the month.
To tell you the truth I would have had no idea what the theme of this box was had I not read the front of the information card. I seriously never would have guessed!
The May 2015 Encourage Play theme was “Flexibility” and included the following items:
~“Invitation to Create”: Invitation to Create included pipe cleaners and beads. And the rest? Well, that’s up to your children to decide. The information card shows using your “flexible” (get it) mind to create flowers, but my boys made bracelets. I don’t have any pictures, but L took the lead and strung beads on the pipe cleaners to made bracelets for everyone.
~Flexible Pictures: The second activity was “flexible pictures” which consisted of silly putty, pencils and papers. I don’t think L has played with silly putty too much so he had no idea how you could transfer images from paper onto it. We used to copy the comics on it when we were kids. I would assume that still works right? They haven’t changed the way they printed the paper have they? I hope not!
The box also included a “Flexible Brain Activity” that the entire family could participate in. This involved gathering a variety of items made out of different materials and then discussing which are more flexible than the included stress brain and which are not.
What do you think of Encourage Play? If you are interested in ordering you can check them out here.
Great concept but if I were to price it, I would say $10 month sounds for for what’s included
I normally don’t question pricing, but while this is a great idea… it’s seriously -maybe- $7 worth of items. If I paid $25 for that, I’d be so upset OMG.
The idea for a box to do during playdates is awesome though, so I definitely applaud them for that!