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Bespoke Post Review + Coupon Code – August 2015 “Carry”

Bespoke Spoke August 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Carry" + Coupon Code
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Bespoke Post
Cost: $45/month
Ships To: US, Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada. They will also ship to military addresses upon e-mail request.
Coupon Code: “BOX20” to save 20% of your first box.
Bespoke Spoke August 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Carry" + Coupon CodeBespoke Spoke August 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Carry" + Coupon Code
Bespoke Spoke August 2015 Subscription Box – “Carry”

Bespoke Post delivers fresh and interesting lifestyle brands and products to men. Each month, you’ll get to choose from their limited-edition boxes filled with an array of products built around a central, unique theme. This month’s box options were “Seared” (Himalayan Salt Block, 8″ x 8″ x 1.5″ by Bitterman Salt Co, Salt Block Cooking by Mark Bitterman and Fleur de Sel by Bitterman Salt Co), “Dispatch” (Slim Canvas Briefcase, 16″ x 11.5″ x 2″ by Line of Trade and a Set of 4 Correspondence Cards, 6.25” x 4.625” with A6 Envelopes by Bespoke Post) and “Grow” (Herb Kit by Mountain Valley Seed Co., Soil by Mountain Valley Seed Co., Herb Scissors by Norpro and Drip Tray by Mountain Valley Seed Co.) If you see the selections and decide you aren’t interested you are totally free to skip that month (you can opt out during the first 5 days of the month) and you won’t be charged.  Or, you can do like we did this month and choose one of the boxes from a previous month which are still available.

The Box

Bespoke Post uses a variety of different shipping methods depending on the items on the box.  USPS delivered this one and it took just a few days to arrive.  I think it shipped earlier than the featured boxes this month because it was one of the older ones.

First Look

B selected this box and I really didn’t pay attention to what it included, so opening it was a surprise.

The Information Card

The Bespoke Post “Carry” box included the following everyday essentials:

~Line of Trade Slim Wallet ($40): B had a very similar slim wallet like this, but it was getting old and time for a new one.  He’s moved everything over and will be carrying it immediately.  It’s made out of soft supple leather from the S.B. Tannery in Minnesota and can hold up to 15 cards.  Not bad for a slim wallet!

Line of Trade Slim Wallet
Line of Trade Slim Wallet

~Fisher Brass Space Bullet Pen ($23): This is the pen that has been used by every NASA astronaut since the 60’s.  It writes upside-down, underwater (for real) and, yes, in space.  And it’s small enough to fit in your pocket.  Cool!

Fisher Brass Space Bullet Pen

~Gerber Shard Tool ($7): This tool can be added to a keyring and used as a bottle opener, a pry bar, a wire stripper, lanyard opening and three different screwdriver.  Very handy and B will have it on his keychain ASAP.

Gerber Shard Tool

All totaled I came up with a value of $70 for the Bespoke Post “Carry” box. B loved it and will use everything in it.  I love that they do offer older boxes if you aren’t into their newest offerings.  There were some months where all the boxes were amazing and some (like this month) we didn’t love any of them.  But this way we can still go back and grab one of the ones we skipped, but really did love.

What do you think of Bespoke Post?  Did you get a box this month?  Which one?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here and check out what boxes they have available.  You can use the coupon code “BOX20” to save 20% off your first box!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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