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Hammock Pack
Cost: $32/month
Ships To: Continental United States.
Coupon Code: N/A

Hammock Pack is a monthly surprise pack filled with everything you need to take a much needed getaway without even leaving your home. Boxes are geared towards women and each month you will receive a pack filled with a mix of food, bath products, housewares, and accessories that you’d only find if you visited that month’s destination city.
Hammock Pack ships via USPS Priority Mail and is supposed to ship around the 25th of the month. I feel like mine has been shipping later and later lately though.
I loved this one from the start! First thing I noticed was that it didn’t include a bar of soap. Hammock Pack sends bars of soap quite often so I was happy not to get another.
The September 2015 Hammock Pack destination was “Philadelphia” and included the following:
~Girls Can Tell Gift Co – Pretzel Tea Towel ($16): All of the designs by Girls Can Tell Gift Co. are original illustrations and make for adorable tea towels. The illustrations on this one are true to Philadelphia and made me want a pretzel!
~Hand in Hand – Rose Water Lip Balm ($8): This lip balm is fantastic. It smells great, it softens your lips and the tin it comes in is totally gorgeous. Also, Hand in Hand donates one bar of soap and one month of clean water to a child in the developing world for every lip balm purchased.
~Candelles – Vanilla Maple Soy Wax Candle ($7.50): This candle just screams fall to me. It’s a blend of traditional vanilla notes with a touch of rich, creamy maple syrup. It already want to order another candle from Candelle!
~Stroopies – Original ($2.50): Stroopies are authentic dutch stroopwafels and are wafer-think waffles blend with a pinch of cinnamon and filled with homemade caramel sauce. I love these and think they are good right out of the package and even better when warmed over a cup of coffee.
All totaled I came up with a value of $34 for the September 2015 Hammock Pack. It’s never a crazy high value (it’s always just about equal to or slightly greater than the cost of the box), but I enjoy the monthly curation so the value isn’t that important to me with this one. I really loved this box and will use every single one of these items this weekend!
What do you think of Hammock Pack? What city / state would you like to see them do next? I am still routing for a Detroit box!