Two on Tuesday…

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Two questions today..

1. What are your plans for New Year’s Eve? Are you headed to a big fancy party? Staying in? Doing any traveling? The Michigan State game is on NYE so basically I need to stay in and watch that. LOL! B and I may go for an early dinner or something, but we aren’t much for going out on New Year’s anymore. There are a few bars in the area that are having MSU viewing parties, but I would just assume to stay home and watch the game.  I like to get all stressed out about the games in the comfort of my own home.

2. Have you done any after Christmas shopping? Gotten any good deals? I picked up a few things (mainly the plaid pouf and red star that I have been eyeing all season) at Target for 50% off, but I have been trying to hold out until it hits 70% off (which might be today actually). Oh, I picked up a ton on Christmas lights for my cousin too.  A TON!  But other than that, nothing really.  I almost attempted the LUSH BOGO sale but skipped it after I heard of all the problems people were having with the site.   What about you?  Have you used any if those holiday gift cards?

I’m looking forward to hearing everyone’s answers!


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Jennifer

    Roll Tide Jennifer!!!

    1. Cindy


  2. Desiree

    I go out very early in the morning for after Christmas sales and its awesome! All the axe and dove men’s sets are $4 here and I now have enough body wash, deodorant, shampoo, Cologne for awhile! It pays for itself… And a bunch of other Christmas items that I’ll use next year! I never spend full price for Christmas items!

  3. Amber

    I’m staying in to watch football too. I get too distracted when I watch games out at bars. This Auburn tiger is pulling for y’all!

  4. PA Anna

    1. We are driving home that day. Our goal is to be home before the drunks are on the road.

    2. We are near good Targets!!! We will stop in real quick. We may go to a few outlets.

  5. Tara m

    I tried for two hours Saturday morning on the Lush site it was so frustrating! I ended up calling a Lush near my house on Sunday and got two of the Christmas Wishes set that I wanted there so I was psyched! Having a kid and adult party at my house New Years Eve with all of my PTO friends…I should probably get started on getting ready for that!

  6. Britney

    I think we’re staying in… We may go eat somewhere nice beforehand, but we’re traveling the day after so I would imagine it’s probably best to stay home.
    I went to Walmart really fast yesterday and bought a canble, but I may go to Target today and take a peek at what’s left! I’m also going to go by Hobby Lobby!

  7. Sarah

    NYE is my arch nemesis-I always want to do something fun but end up staying in 🙂

    I’m headed to Target today-I hope mine is 70% off and not picked over!

  8. Jenny

    No NTE plans. My neighbors are having a party but it is very kid friendly so the boys and I will swing over for a bit. Michael is working that night so once I come home I will watch Ryan Seacrest and be asleep by 12:05. LOL

    Nothing really but I have been stalking Target. Mine was still 50% today so maybe 70 tomorrow. I did find some really cool Star Wars socks for C in the boys section for $1.97 for a pack of 6!!! Not Christmas clearance but I was stoked today.

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