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Today I’m Smiling Because…
~It’s the weekend! And not only that, B will be home in a few days.
~L moved up to the Swim Team at his swim school and I couldn’t be prouder of him. He was SO excited and has been trying hard to move up. Congrats L!
~I just love L’s school. They hosted a Fitness Night this week and had a bunch fun activities like zumba, karate and a mini “bootcamp” for the kids to participate in. They made it so fun for the kids (and the adults too).

~GAP has been having some crazy sales lately. Yesterday they had a 40% coupon code PLUS 18% cash back on ebates. WHAT? I totally took advantage and should be all set for the kid’s clothes for next winter!! Score!
~My parents are having the boys spend the night at their house tonight and are taking them to the Animal Park (aka the Zoo) tomorrow. They’ll have a ball and I will get some stuff done around here. Or not ;). #thankyou
~My Target + POPSUGAR Must Have Box is coming today!
What’s got you smiling today?