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BOXWALLA Food Box Review – February 2016

BOXWALLA Food Box February 2016 Subscription Box Review
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Boxwalla Food Box
Cost: $49.95/month
Ships To: United States.
Coupon Code:N/A

BOXWALLA Food Box February 2016 Subscription Box ReviewBOXWALLA Food Box February 2016 Subscription Box Review The Boxwalla Food Box contains ridiculously delicious food products made in small batches in the U.S.A. Each included product is one of the best they have found in its category and will add something extra special to your foodie life.

Disclosure: This complimentary box was sent for review purposes. As always, all opinions are my own and no compensation was received.

Boxwalla Food Box ships bi-monthly via USPS. Boxwalla boxes are made in India from tree-free handmade paper. The boxes are made out of cotton scraps, using the traditional art of paper-making that involves 9 steps and takes several weeks. The handmade paper is then meticulously fashioned into the boxes that the goodies get shipped in.  Pretty neat right?

The February 2016 Boxwalla Food Box theme was “The Sweetest Things” and included the following delicious, mouthwatering confections:

~Ethereal Confections Blood Orange + Vanilla Meltaway Chocolate Bar ($7.50): & Ethereal Confections Strawberries + Rose Petals + Pink Peppercorns Inclusion Chocolate Bar ($7.50): Ethereal Confections makes flavored and infused chocolates in Woodstock, IL.  The Blood Orange + Vanilla was my favorite of the two included bars.  It was super rich and the flavor was so unique.  The same could be said of the Strawberries + Rose Petals + Pink Peppercorns bar.  It’s really unlike anything I’ve ever seen or tasted and is like a work of art.  Absolutely gorgeous.

credit: Ethereal Confections

~Lick My Spoon Totally Fudged Chocolate Fudge Sauce ($13.50): I unboxed everything before I read the information card, but I could quickly tell where the theme was going with this box.  This fudge sauce is made in small batches from Valhorona chocolate (they are a premium French chocolate manufacturer) and is, maybe, the best fudge sauce I have ever tried.  It’s not hot fudge, so you don’t need to heat it.  It’s perfect right out of the jar!

~Lick My Spoon Torrone ($10): Now this I didn’t love.  Torrone is an Italian confection made from honey, sugar, and egg white, with toasted almonds.  It’s just got an odd (to me) texture and I’m not a fan.

~Coop’s Salted Caramel Sauce ($10.99): I could not get this open fast enough.  Which wasn’t good because it was so difficult to open.  Seriously, there was no chance of this accidentally opening in transit.  This lid was on tight! But it was so worth the trouble.  This salted caramel sauce was amazing.  I tried it on ice-cream and OMG it was the best thing ever.  It’s the perfect blend of sweet and salt and I can’t get enough of this.  I highly recommend trying this!
All totaled I came up with a value of $49.49 for the February 2016 Boxwalla Food Box.  That’s just about equal to the cost of the box, but I don’t account for shipping costs in my prices.  I loved the curation on this one and think Boxwalla does a great job with their boxes.

What do you think of Boxwalla Food Box?  If you are interested in subscribing you can check them out here. Your first shipment will begin with the April box.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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