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Birchbox Sampler: Cleanser Quest Review + Coupon Codes

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Birchbox Sampler Cleanser Quest 
Cost: Monthly Subscription: $10/month. Cleanser Quest Sampler: $25 (One-Time Purchase)
Ships To: United States
Coupon Code: Check out the Birchbox Bonus Shop for gift with purchase offers and don’t forget to add a Mystery Sample Pack to your cart which is free on orders of $35+!

Birchbox Sampler: Cleanser Quest Review + Coupon CodesBirchbox Sampler: Cleanser Quest Review + Coupon Codes

Birchbox is known mainly for their subscription boxes (which I always love), but they also have a great shop with tons of amazing products including curated samplers like this one.  This is the Birchbox Sampler: Cleanser Quest and included an assortment of distinctive cleansers to help you on your quest to find the perfect one.

Birchbox Sampler: Cleanser Quest Review + Coupon CodesBirchbox Sampler: Cleanser Quest Review + Coupon Codes

Birchbox shop orders ship via USPS.  Shipping is free with all purchases of $50+.

Everything was neatly packaged into a little envelope.

The Cleanser Quest Birchbox Sampler included the following items:

~(MALIN + GOETZ) grapefruit face cleanser (0.5fl.oz / 15mL) ($2): I should first mention that I am really big into cleansers so this sampler was a no-brainer for me. This (MALIN + GOETZ) smells citrusy and acts not only as a cleanser, but as a makeup remover as well.  B and I both liked this one (I feel like he may have gotten it in another box in the past) and if I didn’t get so many samples in subscription boxes I would probably buy the full-size.

~ORIGINS Checks And Balances™ Frothy Face Wash (1fl.oz) ($4.40): This one is foamy (which I liked), but I don’t know that it was “enough” for my skin.  It did leave my skin plenty soft though.

~Paula’s Choice Skin Balancing Oil-Reducing Cleanser (30mL / 1fl.oz) ($2.13): This cleanser is designed for acne prone skin (aka mine).  I felt like it took a lot of the oil away, but didn’t leave my skin too dry.  I am looking forward to seeing how my skin looks after using this for a few weeks.

~Sunday Riley Ceramic Slip Clay Cleanser (30mL / 1fl.oz) ($10.71): I was most anxious to try this one out of all of the cleansers in the sampler.  The retail price is $45 so it’s not something I would pick up on my own to test out.  I liked it alot (it left my skin smooth and soft), but it’s one you’d need to use for a few weeks to really see if you are getting the porclein complexion it promises.

~Vasanti Cosmetics Detox Nutrient-Rich Purifying Facial Cleanser ($4.73): The final item in the sampler was a Vasanti Cleanser.  I have tried their scrub (and I love it), but this is a new product for me. I have only tested it once, but it did the job nicely.  I am going to hold off on using this again though until I get a scrub sampler so I can use them together.

All totaled I came up with a valud of $23.97 for the Birchbox Sampler: Cleanser Quest. I must be a little off somewhere in my calculations, because this one has a cost of $25 and Birchbox is usually a money saver on these kits.  Regardless I am thrilled with this kit and love testing all these out!

If you are interested in checking this one out, give one of the following codes a try:  “TAKEALEAP20“, “TAKEOFF20“, “COMEBACK20“,  “MOBILE20“, “WELCOMEOFFER20“, “TAKEOFF10” or “BEAUTYMAVEN” for 20% off. (These may or may not work depending on if you are a member, if you’ve used them before, etc.). Or check out the Birchbox Gift With Purchase Shop to see what goodies are available!

Don’t forget that you can add a Mystery Sample Pack to your cart on ALL orders of $35+ as well. Here was my sample pack with this order:

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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