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GlobeIn May 2016 Theme Reveal + Coupon Code

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GlobeIn May 2016 Theme Reveal + Coupon CodeGlobeIn May 2016 Theme Reveal + Coupon Code
The May 2016 GlobeIn theme is “Hydrate”!

From GlobeIn:
On this blue planet, water is the ultimate elixir. Everything is better that’s hydrated—your body, your mood, your pets, your plants. This month’s kit offers your hydration efforts both practicality and pizazz.

Of course, water is no luxury—it’s a basic human right. So it seemed appropriate to partner up this month with, an organization working to bring safe water to all 663 million people around the world who currently lack it. This month, your drink is also someone else’s.

New customers can use coupon code “WELCOME” to save $10 off your first month of a 3-month subscription to GlobeIn Artisan Box.

What is GlobeIn Artisan Box?
GlobeIn Artisan Box ($40/month) is a monthly subscription box featuring GlobeIn’s favorite products from global artisans. Each box is curated around a monthly theme selected by their editor with the aim of helping you experience new and interesting products and cultures.


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!