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FabFitFun Review + Coupon Code – Summer 2016

FabFitFun Summer 2016 Subscription Box Review + Coupon Code
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
FabFitFun Summer 2016 Subscription Box Review + Coupon CodeFabFitFun Summer 2016 Subscription Box Review + Coupon CodeDisclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

Ships To: Continental United States & Canada
Coupon Code: “SUN10” to save $10 off your first box.

fabfitfun is a quarterly monthly subscription box that includes hand-selected items (the “hottest of the season”) in beauty, fashion, fitness and wellness from the fabfitfun team. fabfitfun is $49.99/quarter and beginning with their Summer 2014 box, they ship to Canada!

fabfitfun ships via FedEx Smart Post. For whatever reason (fabfitfun didn’t really say when I e-mailed them about it), my box was super delayed and didn’t ship within 10 days of the date I was billed (which I believe was June 6th) as they promised. They offered me a credit of $5 towards Fall box add-ons, which I didn’t think was fabulous, but oh well! I just wanted my box!

Each season fabfitfun commissions an artist to design their boxes.  The Summer box was designed by Alyx House, who is a designer and creator currently living in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

The information booklet contains not only product information, but also a few articles, recipes and interviews.  It’s a cute little mini magazine!  The Summer 2016 fabfitfun box included the following items:

~FabFitFun Everyday Beach Waves Spray ($18): This smells good (it’a light fresh scent) and while I didn’t think it provided as much texture as some beach sprays I have tried, I guess that’s not the point of this one.  It leaves your hair soft (some texture sprays leave it almost crunchy) and with beautiful waves.  This is a great spray to apply to wet / damp hair before you put it up in a bun / ponytail.

~betchsicles Ice Pop Molds ($19) What’s up betches???  Ha!  These molds are an exclusive collaboration with FabFutFun and Betches. You can use them for whatever you like, but the information booklet gives recipes for Rainbow Ice Pops, Boozy Gummy Bear Ice Pops and Breakfast Ice Pops (all of which sound great).  The molds are meant to be shaped like champagne bottles, which I guess I see, but I wouldn’t have known unless it was pointed out to me.

~Summer & Rose Yoga Towel ($36): VIP and Annual Subscribers were able to choose between three yoga towels – “Dream Big” in orange, “Good Vibes” in purple or “More Happy, Less Worry” in Seafoam, which is the one I selected.  The towel is larger than I expected and very soft.   It’s to be used over your yoga mat, but it could easier double as a beach towel.

~Stemulation Daily Microderm Scrub Face and Body ($34): This scrub is designed to righten and energize your skin by removing dull skin cells.  I want to use some self tanner soon so the timing is fantastic.  It can be used for your face or body, but I tested it on my face and it’s not something I would use as a facial product on a regular basis.

~Passport To Beauty GYPSET LUMINOUS LIPS (Bohemian Glow) ($18): Subscribers received this in one of three colors (Bohemian Glow, Flower Child or Free Spirit). I received Bohemian Glow which is a bronze shade.  Super pretty and very wearable.  It’s got a ton of shine and moisturizes too!

~OSEA Atmosphere Protection Cream ($48): I received this in a previous box and have enjoyed it. It’s light-weight and uses an emolliant algae base and an advanced blend of dermal proteins to protect against envionmental damage.   OSEA stands for “Ocean, Sun, Earth and Atmosphere” and they are commited to harvesting all of their ingredients safely, naturally and sustainably.  The information card suggests blending this with powder or liquid foundation to create your own BB cream.  Genius!

~Trina Turk Canvas Tote ($55): Annual subscribers and VIP members were able to choose between “Sunshine & Saltwater”, “Seas the Day” or “Vitamin Sea” totes.  I opted for the Navy “Seas the Day” one.  I liked the  other colors, but this one seemed to be more me.  It’s roomy and I LOVE the rope handles.  If I was a boater this would be amazing ;).

~Bonus Items: The Bonus items in this box were Burt’s Bees BB Cream, Compeed Instant Blister Relief and a Hello Fresh Gift Code. These are sponsored items and aren’t counted in the value of the box.

All totaled the Summer 2016 fabfitfun had a value of $228.  I am thrilled with this box and thought the summer curation was spot on.  Everything in here was a win for me!

What do you think of fabfitfun?  What was your favorite item from this box?  If you haven’t yet subscribed but want to get signed up (you’d receive this Summer box as your first one) you can use the coupon code “SUN10” to save $10 off your first box.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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