LaRitzy Past Box Mystery Box Sale!

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LaRitzy Past Box Mystery Box Sale!LaRitzy is having a sale on previous boxes!  You can opt for a LaRity Mini Box for $12.99 (includes boxes from January – June) or a LaRitzy (full-size) box for $19.99.

From LaRitzy
That’s right, we’re offering you our past boxes for much less! Grab yours fast though – they’ve been selling like hotcakes!

Brands include Palmetto Derma, Doe Beauty, Love Fresh, Manna Kadar, MOTD Cosmetics, Glam Her Booth, The Konjac Sponge Company, and
many many more. Each box is valued at at least more than $50 (LaMini’s more than $40), we even have a few valued at more than $100!

What is LaRitzy?
LaRitzy ($24.99/month) is a cruelty-free beauty subscription box for women. Each month you will receive a mix of products, from hair care to body lotion to a trendy nail polish. Most of the items will be full-sized, however, you might find a few luxury-size samples here and there.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

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