Two on Tuesday…

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1. How much water do you drink (or try to drink) in a day? Do you track it? I am constantly trying to drink more water, but I feel like if I am not tracking it in some way, I don’t do as well.  I don’t have a set amount I want to be drinking; I just need to remember to drink it!

2. What state do you live in and what’s the coolest attraction in your state?  I live in Michigan, and I think the coolest attraction / place to visit would have to be Mackinac Island. It’s a little island between the upper and lower peninsulas.  You have to take a boat to get there, and no cars are allowed on the island – just horse-drawn carriages, bikes and by foot!  It’s gorgeous and if you are ever in Northern Michigan make sure it’s on your To-Do List (it probably will be if you are going to visit “up-north”).

Can’t wait to hear your answers!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 30 Comments

  1. Margaret

    I’m in Michigan, too. While I love Mackinac (#fudge), I’d also vote for Sleeping Bear Dunes. Gorgeous!

    1. Jennifer

      Maybe a few trips up and down the dunes and then lots of fudge!

  2. Britney

    Three 16 oz. bottles a day, I’ve noticed I track it much better if I drink it from a bottle versus a refillable cup.
    Texas and it is absolutely beautiful everywhere and incredibly underrated, most people visit for our bodies of water: we have 360-something miles of beach, hundreds of lakes, and rivers to float… but there’s so much more to do! If I had to pick just one I don’t know that I could, it’s all my favorite… it’s a big state with a lot to choose from.
    Your “up-north” cracks me up, my coworker was raised in the Detroit area and always talks about the cabin they have up-north.

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! No one even cares what actual city you are going to. You just say “I’m going up-north” and whoever you are talking to is satisfied and gets it. It really could be anywhere in northern michigan.

  3. Jodie Kingsbury

    I drink 60-75 ounces a day. My doc told me it will help prevent kidney stones and I haven’t had one in years.

    I’m from the west side of Michigan. the beaches here are cool but my all time favorite is Mackinac Island. If you ever get there make sure to take the carriage ride. they tell you all about the island while on it. it’s about a 2 hour ride.

    1. Jennifer

      I totally agree. Mackinaw is just gorgeous. But you are right, the beaches on the west side are cool.

  4. Jennifer

    Soooooouth Louisiana, like 30 minutes from the Gulf of Mexico. You are all “up north” from my perspective. My states biggest attraction is probably Bourbon Street but “meh”. We prefer more of the state parks. Michigan looks beautiful.

    1. Jennifer

      LOL!!!! I guess we are all up-north to you.

  5. Nichole

    I used to live in Michigan! Now we visit like 4 times a year because we have family there still. Every August we go up to Munising to see all the waterfalls! Its so beautiful! Miners castle is my fav place in Michigan. The water is so clear up there!

    As far as drinking enough water i found this thing last night one instagram that i totally want to get because i suck at drinking water.

    It looks really cool. Im hoping it works. 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Goodness, I don’t know if I have ever been to Miners Castle. I will have to ask my mom.

      1. Mom

        No, we’ve never been to Miners Castle. I had to Google it to find it where it is.

      2. Nichole

        Its an absolute must if you ever make it up that far!! Its just so amazing to see in person! The water up there is such an amazing color you would think you are someplace tropical, granted since its lake superior is to cold to go in lol 🙂

        1. Jennifer

          It’s by pictured rocks right? I have been there.

          1. Nichole

            Yep 🙂 its by pictured rocks….the whole area is just beautiful!

  6. mary m

    I don’t drink enough water. I drink too much diet coke.

    I’m from Oregon and I’m obligated to say that the coolest thing in the state is Sea Lion Caves. America’s largest sea cave. (Family business). But really, it is pretty neat. The best part about where I live specifically is that we’re a little over an hour from the beach or an hour from the mountains/snow. And we’re in the heart of wine country, and microbrew land!

    1. Jennifer

      That sounds like a cool place! I don’t think I have ever heard of it!

  7. Caitlin

    I drink over a gallon of water a day. I am nursing though and that makes me crazy thirsty. It’s also over 100+ degrees in Arizona where I live, so there’s that too.

    Great place to visit here is th Grand Canyon and Sedona. But there’s also a Nordstrom clearance store called Last Chance here (CRAZY deals)…that count too right?!

    1. Jennifer

      I would certainly count that ;).

  8. Amanda

    1. I keep a gallon jug of water in the refrigerator, and just keep refilling my bottle with it. I try to aim for a gallon a day. One of my friends puts like 5 or 6 elastic hair bands around her water bottle in the morning, and removes one each time she empties the bottle.

    2. I live in West Virginia. I’m not sure what the coolest part is. A lot of people like the mountains and nature activities. I’m more of an indoor girl though lol

  9. Kristin

    I try to drink a minimum of 100 oz a day. I keep a 32 oz bottle on my desk with me. Recently someone talked about having a “10 gulp” rule during hot summer months and it has totally been helping me. I make myself down 10 gulps each time I take a drink. Otherwise I get so busy that I forget to drink.

    I live in California and there are so many great places to visit here. I live within 90 minutes of Lake Tahoe and it’s beautiful in every season. The Redwoods on the Northern Coast are also amazing. I personally love Marin County and hiking Mt. Tam. Or Mt Diablo which is east of San Francisco. Too many to count really. 🙂

  10. Nich

    I’m in California as well, I love it here! I love taking BART to SF, Fishermans Warf, beautiful Santa Cruz, Monteray especially the aquarium and Bubba Gumps restaurant, In n Out Burgers, Yosemite( beautiful words can’t describe), and of course the wineries, everyone goes to Napa but Livermore is wine country with Wente Vineyards, Concannon, Mitchel Katz to smaller wineries such as El Sol.

  11. mellissa

    We lived in Florida about 8 miles from a gorgeous gulf beach. That is our favorite attraction and it is completely free. And because we live in Florida our drinking water gets filtered. Something that made a big difference for me was a magnesium water filter with a digital counter on the top (Amazon for less than $20). I go through about 100 refills (1 filter) a month. I drink more water than the average person but it is a fun thing to see the digital counter go up as you drink throughout the day. Just a suggestion for you.

  12. Ashley

    I always tell my patents that they need to drink half of their body weight in ounces of water per day. So, if you way 150 lbs, drink 75 ounces MINIMUM, coffee, pop, anything else you drink per day just dehydrates you so you have to make sure you replenish. A lot of people freak out and have tissues with this, but I found it’s easier if you divide the water up equally per day. For me, I drink more than I should (probably to offset all the coffee I consume) I have my 32 ounce hydroflask and I drink one full bottle before lunch, one between lunch and dinner, and one between dinner and bedtime. It’s much easier when you break it up and sip throughout the day.

    I also live in Michigan, and I think Sleeping Bear Dunes are awesome. I had some friends in from Pittsburgh over Memorial Day, and we went to Traverse City, Leelanau and the dunes, and they couldn’t believe that we were still in Michigan!

  13. Liz R

    I drink on average 32 oz of water a day. I live in Illinois close to Chicago and there are many great attractions in the city. But my favorite attraction in Illinois is the Lincoln Museum in Springfield. Also want to add that I say “up north” when I go to Wisconsin or the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

  14. Kristin

    I live in south Louisiana and I would say the biggest attraction is Mardi Gras, but don’t go to Burbon street for it. The uptown parades are the best!

    1. Kristin

      *Bourbon St. ?

  15. Lia

    1. I have a 2 quart jug I keep in the fridge and pour that into glasses or bottles as needed. I usually get through it and when I don’t my body lets me know with headaches!

    2. I live in California so there’s a lot to choose from but I’m going to go with either Sonoma for wine tasting (far better than Napa in my opinion) or Julia Pfiffer Falls. It’s a park where you walk under the freeway out around a bluff over the ocean. There’s a small waterfall that hits the beach below. It is the most relaxing spot in the world to me. I just love it.

  16. Heather

    I’m picky about water. Well, my whole family is. If I’m at home, I’ll fill up a 20oz bottle, after drinking it all from the artesian springs water bottle, about five or six times. But I also add a squirt of lemon juice or lime juice for flavor. Otherwise, I bring a few of those bottles with me and don’t drink from a tap. Each place has a different flavor naturally, I’ve found. One drinking water from the tap exception: Toledo. I Love their water.
    I’m from Ohio. There are a few places I’d recommend. My absolute non free place to recommend is Cedar Point. Free would be Mohican State Park. Especially on the river. But, going to any of the state parks here is good too.

  17. Lori

    I’m originally from North Dakota and while the Badlands are the prettiest, there’s a small town that’s also the geographical center of North America.

    I’ve been in Colorado for 9 years though and there are so many great attractions here too: the Rocky Mountains (and all the 14ers), the Garden of the Gods, and the countless microbreweries around.

    As for water, who knows. I drink a lot of it but don’t keep track!

  18. Amy S

    I try to drink at least 3-4 24oz Starbuck’s cold cups a day (that’s how I measure), one with lunch & one with dinner makes it easier!

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