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Pooch Perks Review – December 2016 + Coupon Code

Pooch Perks Review - December 2016 + Coupon Code
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own, and no compensation was received. 
Pooch Perks
Cost: $20 – $29 – $50/month.
Ships To: United States.
Coupon Code: “PYP30” for 30% off your first month.

Pooch Perks Review - December 2016 + Coupon CodePooch Perks Review - December 2016 + Coupon Code

Pooch Perks sends a hand-packaged box that contains a unique collection of responsibly sourced products based on the highest quality standards. Different toys and treats are shipped every month, so you and your pooch will be surprised with every Perks box. Boxes are available in a variety of sizes including: Pennywise ($20/month): 2-3 items – $25 value, Popular ($29/month): 4 items – $35 value, Pampered ($50/month): 6 items – $60 value.

Pooch Perks boxes ship via USPS on the 10th and the 25th of every month.  If you register between the 5th and the 20th, your Perks box will ship out on the 25th.  If you register between the 21st and the 4th, your Perks box will ship out on the 10th.

This box looked super fun!  And my Yorkie Buddy was right there to help me open it up. The December “Pampered” Pooch Perks box included the following items:

~FouFou Dog Bear ($9.97): Aww, what a cute little guy!  It’s a corduroy bear with a stuffed squeaker inside.


~Zippy Paws Santa Hedgehog ($6.96): This is a pretty good sized squeaky hedgehog, and it reminds me of a tsum-tsum.  I’m not really sure what Buddy thought of this?  They kind of look alike ;).


~Jolly Pets Penguin Flathead ($7.57): This is super sturdy and has built in squeakers.  Buddy will never be able to destroy this!


~My Doggy Soft Baked Cookies (Gingerbread) ($6.99): These all-natural treats are made in the USA.  Buddy didn’t say if they tasted like true gingerbread, but then again he wouldn’t know the difference ;).


~Pet House Candle (Evergreen) ($3.49): This candle is made out of 100% natural soy wax and is specially formulated to freshen pet-loving homes. It smells great and is perfect for the season.  One note – I can’t remember if it was this brand or not, but I recall someone having trouble with a candle from a pet box leaving burn marks on their table.  Make sure to put this on a fireproof / heat-resistant candle plate.


~Clould Star Gingerbread Treats ($5.95): These were Buddy’s favorite items in the entire box.  They are soft and chewy and small enough that he got to have more than one. They are all-natural, made in the USA and are shaped like little gingerbread men!


~Exclusively Dog Vanilla Wafer Cookies ($4.53): Buddy hasn’t tried these yet, but he sure thought they smelled good. They are made out of certified Kosher ingredients which are 100% sourced and made in the USA.


~MultiPet Snowman Dog Toy (~$5): For whatever reason, I expected this to light up?  Instead, it has the loudest squeaker ever inside. And my children insist on stepping on it every time they walk past it.  It’s adorable, but I don’t think we’ll have it much longer ;).

All totaled I came up with a value of $50.46 for the November “Pampered” Pooch Perks. I use the online prices (not retail), which I guess accounts for the difference between my calculated price and the promised value.  Buddy enjoyed the assortment this month, and so did I!

What do you think of Pooch Perks?  If you are interested in ordering, you can use coupon code “PYP30” to save 30% off your first order!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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