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Dear 2016, I am so over you! In fact I already threw away my 2016 Calendars, so you are already over in my book.
Dear Target Clearance, Ahh, you sucked me in at 70% off. I said I wasn’t going to cave, but of course, I did. I always do.
Dear Fruit Punch Spark, I can’t wait to get you back in my life. My stockpile of other Spark is almost gone so I get to have you again!
Dear Stitch Fix Men, What happened to B’s Fix this month? It was scheduled and never arrived. And then I got a checkout receipt (for $0) and a notice saying my next fix was scheduled for January. What’s up?
Dear Getting Up Early, You might be all right after all. It’s so peaceful at 7am and I do like watching the morning news. I am exhausted by 11pm though!
Dear The Eagle Cam, I am also kind of in love with you. Who knew that watching an egg hatch was this exciting?
Dear Secret Santa Ladies, Thanks for a great exchange! We had some no shows (it always happens), but some fabulous ladies stepped up and offered to be rematch elves and I can’t thank them enough! You ladies rock!!
Dear 2017, Let’s make this new year a great one!