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BOXWALLA Food Box Review – February 2017

BOXWALLA Food Box Review - February 2017
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

BOXWALLA Food Box Review - February 2017BOXWALLA Food Box Review - February 2017
The Boxwalla Food Box contains ridiculously delicious food products made in small batches in the U.S.A. Each included product is one of the best they have found in its category and will add something extra special to your foodie life.

Boxwalla Food Box
Cost: $49.95/month
Ships To: United States.
Coupon Code: N/A

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own, and no compensation was received.

Boxwalla Food Box
 ships bi-monthly via USPS.  This box shipped inside of a larger flat rate package.


Boxwalla boxes are made in India from tree-free handmade paper. The boxes are made out of cotton scraps, using the traditional art of paper-making that involves nine steps and takes several weeks. The handmade paper is then meticulously fashioned into the boxes that the goodies get shipped in.

The February 2017 Boxwalla Food Box theme is “Story of the World though Food” and kicked off a “Cardamom and Caramel” box which included the following items:

~Call Me Caramel Gruyere Cheese Caramel ($19.99): These are made with Gruyere cheese in lieu of butter.  My husband wasn’t a fan, but I liked them.  They were for sure different, but not in a bad way.  I could probably eat an insane amount of these if I’m not careful ;).


~Chocolat Moderne Blood Orange Bergamot Bar ($8) & Chocolat Moderne The Lover ($8): Are these not the most gorgeous chocolates ever?  The Blood Orange Bergamot Bar Dark is filled with caramel made with fresh blood orange juice and scented with oil of bergamot while The Lover is a white chocolate bar filled with passion fruit caramel scented with cardamom.  I much preferred the Blood Orange Bergamot bar to The Lover. I think the lover was just a little too sophisticated for me and I am not normally much for white chocolate.


~Unna Bakery Cardamom Crisp ($6.99): This is a sweet and crispy cookie filled with freshly crushed cardamom. They certainly have a kick to them, but paired with some coffee in the afternoon, they’d be perfect.


~Calcutta Kitchen Bengali Coconut Cardamom Simmer Sauce ($10.99): This is a coconut milk based blend infused with the warm, sweet tones of cardamom. I am not 100% sure what we are going to make it with, but it is supposed to be delicious as a marinade and a great base sauce for veggies and tofu.

All totaled the February 2017 Boxwalla Food Box had a value of $54.  It certainly didn’t pack the value that the February BOXWALLA Beauty Box did, but we were introduced to a lot of new items!

What do you think of Boxwalla Food Box?  If you are interested in subscribing, you can check them out here.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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