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Thursday Thoughts

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~Good morning! We finally got some snow here! I love it. And so do the boys. W and I went out and shoveled together and, well, thank goodness one the neighbors came over and finished it up or we’d still be out there. I’d shovel it on the grass, he’d shovel it on the driveway ;). We had a good time though and that’s all that matters.

~What’s everyone doing for the game Sunday? I’m already excited about the commercials and the Lady Gaga halftime show! Have we talked about this Tostitos bag? If it decides you’d been drinking, a red steering wheel appears along with a $10 off Uber coupon code. You can’t buy these at the store (not yet anyway), but it’s quite an interesting concept.  I feel like it’s a one-time / one-person use thing, but who knows?

~I still have an assortment of packages coming this week including Nomadik, Imperial Glamour Box, MEL Science, Mommy Mailbox, GlobeIn and some others I can’t think of right now!

~Does anyone remember when POPSUGAR announced their Resort Box last year?  It has to be coming soon right?  I recall it arrived sometime in March, so we have to hear something shortly I am guessing.

~And sort of related, but how does everyone beat the winter blahs?  It’s was actaully sunny here yesterday (for a few hours anyway), but I know it’ll be right back to weeks of grey skies again soon.  Does anyone use a light box (I have a friend who swears by hers), take extra Vitamin D, excerise more, etc. Fill me in!

That’s about it from here!  Have a great weekend!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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