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Friday’s Letters

Friday’s Letters
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Dear B, We (still) miss you!

Dear Cycle Class, You hurt, but I am loving you!

Dear Buster, See, I told you that your hair would grow back from that awful haircut.

Dear OxyClean, You are a wonder!  I have no idea how your magic works, but I love it.

Dear L, I love that you took notes on your field trip yesterday because you knew you’d have to do an essay on what you learned.  Such a good idea.  Seriously.  I was blown away!  Nice work!

Dear The NFL Draft, I don’t know why, but I watch you every year.

Dear My Silverware, No seriously, where do you go?

Dear MODPizza, I am looking forward to you after M2M craziness these next few days.

Dear W, Yay! You have a bowling field trip coming up.  That will be a perfect way to work on your New Year’s Resolution, which oddly was to “be better at bowling.”  LOL!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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