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Scent From May 2017 Spoilers + Coupon Code

Scent From May 2017 Spoilers + Coupon Code
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Scent From May 2017 Spoilers + Coupon CodeScent From May 2017 Spoilers + Coupon Code
Scent From has released some spoilers for the May 2017 box!  The May theme is “Scent From GOA“.

From Scent From
Life in May is slightly slower in Goa where grains of white sand flow through hands like time through galaxies, like water from mountain highs down through Gaia’s arteries, those jade-like estuaries into the Arabian Sea. Daily highs of thirty-plus degrees means that it’s typically easier to spend your day times here beneath trees in a hammock leafing through bestsellers and more difficult reads, lapping up the crystalline ocean breezes, sipping from coconuts dreaming of local specialities like xit kodi, or fish curry to you and me.

Coupon Code
Use coupon code “SCENT” to get your first box for just $15.79 ($12.80 + $2.99 S/H)!

What is Scent From?
Scent From ($25.39 + S/H) is a premium, UK based travel-inspired candle box that includes a range of carefully selected scented products for the home, wrapped in luxurious packaging and sent straight to your door. Every box will contain one hero candle, one home accessory and a selection of smaller scented treats, and whilst each month’s destination will be revealed, the exact contents will remain a mystery

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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