Monday Morning Ramblings

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~Good morning! This week should be much calmer than last week! I think a PTO meeting is the only thing really on my “To Do” list. I have a hair appointment, but I don’t count that as a To Do list item.

~I am starting my 5 weeks of unlimited Pure Barre classes today and am hoping for amazing results, but also hoping I don’t end up loving it too much because it is expensive. I was VERY sore after my class Friday and suspect it’ll be like that for a week or so. I’m still going to spin, but I will probably only run once a week now. It’s just so rough on the body.

~I wasn’t going to create a bracket challenge this year, but why not? Not sure yet if there will be prizes because I have the worst time trying to get a hold of winners. Not even kidding – it’s SO HARD with espn user names. I tried a few times to have people fill out their espn name and real name / e-mail in Rafflecopter so I could select random winners and find 1st / 2nd / 3rd place winners, but I think only 1/2 the people who joined filled out that info. So no gaurantee of prizes (although if MSU gets to the Final Four I will be in a really good mood and will probably do something), but if you want to join for fun, here is the link.

~Did you hear that WalMart has launched Blue Apron / Plated type meal kits in store?  My WalMart doesn’t have them yet, but hopefully soon!

That’s it from here.  Have a great week!


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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