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Not sure why I stopped doing these, but I am bringing them back!

Currently Buying

Not buying as much as looking.  I am hunting for Pure Barre gear on the cheap on Poshmark, Merarci, thredUp, etc.  Their clothing is super expensive (no I don’t want to pay $55 for a tank top), so those sites are amazing for finding deals.

Currently Looking Forward To

College Football Season! I am so pumped for the Spartans to be back on my TV!

Currently Reading…

Sweet Little Lies. This is one of the August Book of the Month picks and so far, I am loving it. They always have at least one (usually more) books I absolutely cannot put down and this is it for August!

Currently Listening To

AJR! My favorite! I basically have Sober Up and Burn This House Down on repeat at my house.

Currently Wishing For

Capri Blue Volcano Perfume! Rumor has it this stuff is amazing and smells just as incredible as the candle. I am hoping I can find it locally, but if not, I am ordering from Amazon soon.

Currently Wearing

The mom uniform.  lululemon leggings and a tank.  Everyday.  If it’s super hot I’ll switch to shorts, but since you have to wear leggings (well pants) to barre, it’s usually leggings.  My favorites are Wunder Unders, but they are all pretty great!

Currently Annoyed About

For some reason, the backspace, quote and apostrophe keys are not working on my desktop keyboard. No idea why and the internet tips are not helping. I see a trip to the genius bar in my future.  Grrrr!!

Currently (Re)Watching

I am rewatching Big Little Lies so I can be all ready for the new season when it comes out!  It’s just as good maybe even better) the second time around!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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