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Adults & Crafts Review – Wire & Twine Craft Kit – July 2018

Adults & Crafts Review – Wire & Twine Craft Kit – July 2018
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Adults & Crafts Review - Wire & Twine Craft Kit - July 2018Adults & Crafts Review - Wire & Twine Craft Kit - July 2018
Adults & Crafts delivers customized DIY craft kits to your door each month. Boxes will include everything you need to go from zero to crafting hero—materials, instructions, and (most) tools you need to complete any one of their unique projects.

Adults & Crafts
Cost: $39.95/month.
Ships To: United States.
Coupon Code: “RAMBLINGS” to save 10% off.
 Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own, and no compensation was received.

Adults & Crafts ships via USPS, FedEx or UPS depending on what they are sending that month and your location. My box shipped via USPS.

Lots of goodies in here!


This month’s box featured a Wire & Twine Craft Kit. Projects were a Lighted Twine Orb and a Wired Air Plant Picture Frame.  Adults & Crafts always includes Step by Step written project instructions.  I don’t always find them perfectly clear (I think it is difficult to write crafting instructions), but I can always figure out what to do.


Materials included were:
~Copper Wire
~Copper Fairy Lights
~Wood Glue
~Saw-Tooth Hanger / Nails
~Live Air Plant (USA) / Artificial (Intl.)
~Picture Frame

Additional supplies needed were:
~Taper / Scissors

Lighted Twine Orb: Ahh, the twine orb.  I have seen these on lots of craft blogs and sites over the years and thought they looked neat, but I have never attempted one myself.  I now think I know why.  I just did not enjoy making this.  It was super messy and I cut my twine too short, which made it hard to do.  I wasn’t thrilled with the glue getting all over my hands and I didn’t love how it was turning out either.  So I just finished up the one balloon and left it to dry overnight.  I was actually surprised at how well it turned out (I mean it is not great, but it is okay).  I knew I was not going to use it, so I did not pick the excess glue off, but I highly enjoyed popping the balloon and listening to the balloon / glue crackle.  It was oddly soothing.  I can see why people like these because they do look so cool, but they are not something I want to make on my own.

Wired Air Plant Picture Frame. Now this I loved!  B (my husband) helped me bend the wire and I think it took him maybe 5 minutes?  It looked awesome.  I put it behind the glass on in the picture frame to hold it in place and then added a hook for the air plant (I put the wire behind the back of the frame to secure and then looped it over the top so it was open and able to hang the plant from).  Since I did not use the copper lights for the orb, I decided to use them here.  I put them on the outside of the frame and was thrilled with how this turned out.  So cute!

Final Thoughts: I could not love this more.  While the twine orb was not for me, the wired picture frame was.  If you are in the middle of an Arts & Crafts project and just are not feeling it, turn it into something you do love!  They send lots of supplies, so you truly are able to get crafty and turn what you may deem a miss into a hit!

What do you think of Adults & Crafts? If you are interested in subscribing use coupon code “RAMBLINGS” to save 10% off!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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