Monday Morning Ramblings

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~I have not done a Monday Morning Ramblings in FOREVER!  I felt like doing one today though, so even though it is afternoon, lets go!

~I am not even close to being done with my holiday shopping and really have no idea what the kids even want yet, so that makes it difficult.  L (he’s 11) wanted a loft bed (we got this one from Amazon) so that was easy, but W (he’s 7), I am not sure what to get him. He says he wants a Nintendo Switch, but I am a little hesitant on that.  Just not sure how often he’d really play it.   They aren’t into clothes and don’t need any more nerf guns or footballs or basketballs or any of that, so I am at a loss.  Hopefully Santa lists will get written soon!

~Did anyone else hit up the Bath & Body Works Candle sale over the weekend? It was on-line and in-store, but I always go to the store because you can stack coupons there. I ended up with 15 candles for about $6.87 (they were $8.95 during the sale and then I had coupons) and got two wallflower plug-ins and a lotion free.  My store was super organized and had a ton of scents to pick from.  I was in and out in an hour, even with the crowds.

~I am still doing Pure Barre and am nearing my 500th class!  I have not been running (or spinning) as much as I would like, but I am planning on getting back into both a little more after the new year.

~I am still loving my Aldi Wine & Cheese Advent Calendars.  I am actually one day behind on both, but I will get caught up.  This years calendars (both the wine and the cheese) have a lot more variety which is awesome.  I will do a summary post one these and on the Costco Wine Advent Calendar (B is doing that one) once we are all done.

~That is about it from here. What is new with you????  How is your holiday shopping coming along?  Did you pick up any advent calendars?  Don’t forget to enter my Stocking Stuffer Giveaway which ends tomorrow!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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