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Target 10% Off Gift Cards – TODAY ONLY

Target 10% Off Gift Cards - TODAY ONLY
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Target 10% Off Gift Cards - TODAY ONLYTarget 10% Off Gift Cards - TODAY ONLY
Today Only Target is offering 10% off Gift Cards! Get them for you, for gifts, for EVERYTHING!

**Offer restrictions: Target GiftCards purchased during 10% off offer may be redeemed starting Monday, December 9 at 10am Central. Offer valid for up to $300 in Target GiftCard purchases ($30 maximum discount) per household. Minimum GiftCard purchase is $10 per card. Limit one transaction up to $300 in Target GiftCards on Offer does not include Target Visa Gift Cards, Target MasterCard Gift Cards, Target American Express Gift Cards & gift cards issued by other retailers such as dining, lifestyle & entertaining gift cards. Offer excludes reloads of previously purchased Target GiftCards, Target GiftCards given in exchange for electronic or prepaid trade-ins, Target GiftCards provided for merchandise returns, Merchandise Return Cards and Target GiftCards provided as free promotional card with qualifying purchase. Quantities limited; no rain checks. Purchases of Target GiftCards that exceed certain transaction limits may be voided. Terms & conditions apply to gift cards.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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