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Thursday Thoughts

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~Good morning! I have absolutely nothing to talk about today, but thought I would check in anyway and say hi.  B is working from home, the kids are home and, like everyone else, we are just making the best of it.  The dogs are thrilled to see everyone ALL day and it is really nice to see so many kids playing in their driveway, families riding bikes, etc.  The weather isn’t amazing here, but it isn’t awful either, so I am thankful for that as well.

~I soaked off my dip mani the other day (DO NOT RECOMMEND doing this yourself) so I could try these imPRESS nails.  I use pure acetone and soaked and soaked, but it didn’t budge.  I basically filed them all off. I don’t know what magic they use at the nail salon, but it didn’t transfer to my house. LOL!  The imPRESS nails were SO easy to use.  I ordered mine from the imPRESS website, but Target, Amazon and Ulta have them as well. With shipping I paid about $12 from the imPRESS website and I am very happy.  A few tips – sort through the nails and decide which ones you are going to use before you get started and pay attention to the numbers on the tab of the nails.  There are tiny little white numbers on the clear part you pull off to reveal the stickiness and I wish I would have realized that before I started.  I will for sure be using these for the time being (I will probably order a few more sets), but I will go back to dip as soon as I can.

~I have been working out at home (mainly running on the treadmill), but yesterday I tried a Pure Barre OnDemand workout.  My local PB studio is going to start streaming workouts soon, which I am super excited about.  I am also thankful for Peloton app.  We have the bike and I use the app for tread workouts on my non-Peloton tread and plan to do a few of their other workouts (mainly Strength, Cardio and Bootcamp) as well too.  They have a free 90-day trial for the app right now (it is usually $12.99/month), so you might as well give it a try!  You can also use it for outdoor runs and walks – you will just follow audio cues.

~Lets see, what else.  Oh, Starbucks has a new game called Starland and I have been winning stars quite frequently – so has B.  You can get two free plays daily (head to the main page and scroll down) and it is super easy to play.  Best of luck.

That’s it from here! Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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