Monday Morning Ramblings

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~Good morning! It is Week Five of work from home, school from home and, basically just being at home all the time. It is uhh, interesting. LOL!!

~Did you have a good Easter yesterday?  The boys had a great time hunting for eggs (our bunny hides filled plastic eggs and baskets indoors and our dyed eggs outside) and are really enjoying their easter basket goodies. The big hits were Animal Crossing for W and Subnautica for L.  That should help out with the boredom for at least a little bit.

~I ordered a pull-up bar and am determined to do a pull-up (not a chin up).  I was hoping it’d be able to do it by the end of the quarantine, but even if this goes another month or two, I don’t know if its doable.  LOL!  I used to try on the kids swingset, but obviously that is a no go in the winter and we will probably be taking it down this year anyway.  I will keep you updated on my progress (which so far is nada).

~What is everyone reading right now?  I started The Jetsetters last night and, so far, so good.

That’s it from here! Hope you are all well!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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