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Nomadik Review + Coupon Code – September 2020

Nomadik Review + Coupon Code - September 2020
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Nomadik Review + Coupon Code - September 2020Nomadik Review + Coupon Code - September 2020
Nomadik is a monthly box of outdoor fun, delivered right to your door. Each box includes 3 to 5 high-end products, access to exclusive discounts from top outdoor brands and a value of up to $50+.

Cost: $32.95/month.
Ships To: United States
Coupon Code: “GOADVENTURE5” to save $5 off any plan.

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own, and no compensation was received.

Nomadik ships via USPS and promises that boxes will arrive by the end of the month.

Looks good so far!

The September 2020 (*) Nomadik “WINTER TRAVELS” themed box included the following items:

~Topp Designs Pack Bag 5L ($19): The Topp Designs website says that this is a great size for carrying socks, underwear and t-shirts.  At first I was thinking more of a Toiletry Bag, but using it like a packing cube makes much more sense.  Leaving this in the car with fresh socks and undies (you never know) seems like a good idea as well.

~Threads Wallet Elastic Card Holder ($16): Oh how I love these colors! I would love to find some swim trunks like this for my guys!  I think I am going to use this myself for running quick errands so I don’t have to drag my bulky wallet and separate set of keys around.

~Humangear GoToob +3.4oz ($9.32): In theory these are great.  However, once I get home from a trip I never want to retransfer the extra product to it’s original container.  And I don’t have the best luck cleaning it.  Any tips?

~Green Goo Dry Skin Salve – Jumbo Stick ($9.95): This is just what my little one needs right now.  His elbows get SO dry and rough in the winter.

~RXBAR Chocolate Sea Salt Protein Bar (~$2): I wish I liked these!  I don’t know if it’s the texture or if I just haven’t found a great favor, but I am not a fan.

The September 2020 Nomadik box has a value of about $56.  This was a solid box!  Lots of high-quality, usable items in here.

What do you think of Nomadik?  If you are interested, you can get signed up here and use coupon code “GOADVENTURE5” to save $5 off any plan.

(*) I am not sure if this is September or October? I doesn’t list a month on the information card and I received it in September, so I am calling it the September Box.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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