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See’s Candies 2021 Advent Calendar – On Sale Now!

See’s Candies 2021 Advent Calendar – On Sale Now!
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See’s Candies has launched an Advent Calendar. The calendar is $45 and includes 24 See’s treats – you might find a classic See’s chocolate piece, sour jelly bean, a Lollypop or a solid milk chocolate treat wrapped in foil.

From See’s Candies:
Let the candy countdown begin with See’s limited edition Advent Calendar. Enjoy a See’s treat each day as you count down the days of December. Behind every numbered door is a a sweet surprise – you might find a classic See’s chocolate piece, sour jelly bean, a Lollypop or a solid milk chocolate treat wrapped in foil. The festive 24-day calendar opens like a book with a hinged spine. The inside features 24 numbered doors with perforated edges for easy opening. Box is 8.75″ x 12″ x 3.25″. Limited supply available.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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