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What I Bought This Week

What I Bought This Week
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

It’s time for another edition of What I Bought This Week! Here’s what I picked up this week(ish).

Stanley 40oz Adventure Quencher in Orchid Soft Matte ($50): Of course I bought the newest Stanley! Stanley launched the Orchid color in their soft matte finish. Some people don’t love the soft matte because they have problems with it chipping  / peeling, however, I have never had this issue. It’s SUCH a pretty color and should arrive today!

iNNBEAUTY PROJECT Glaze Lip Oil (Glaze #1 and Berry Jam) ($17/each): My final purchase from the Sephora sale came in. It’s my first time trying these and I will definitely buy them again. They look amazing, aren’t sticky and smell so good. And the price is so reasonable!

Uncommon James Mystery Item ($20): I am such a sucker for Mystery Items and when Uncommon James has one, I have to get! This season’s Mystery Item are the Small Silver Girl Boss Earrings. These might be my favorite mystery item. So classic and wearable!

Tree Hut Birthday Cake Whipped Body Butter ($7.99): I don’t know what this smells like, but it’s not birthday cake. It smells vaguely of vanilla, but not in a cake like way. The body butter is moisturizing and great as Tree Hut ones usually are, but I would not go out of my way to get this scent again.

Bag Balm Stick with Aloe ($7.99):Game changer. I found this at TJMaxx and knew it was an instant buy. The stick doesn’t have the strong smell that the tub balm has and it’s also not as goopy / messy. I will keep using the tub for overnight use and will use the stick for elbows / heels during the day. So good.

Blue Swim Pouch ($7.79): I saw all the TikTok videos about the Stoney Clover dupes at Hobby Lobby and knew I needed to go. Sadly my stores were already cleaned out, so I ended up ordering this SWIM pouch and two round pouches online. I hated paying the $9 shipping but figured it would be better than driving to every Hobby Lobby in Michigan looking for this.

Flyaway Finishing Hair Cream with Brush ($1.25): This was a Dollar Tree find. It is so handy to keep in your car or purse to smooth your flyaways.  I will for sure be repurchasing.

Any purchases you have made and want to share?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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