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Celebrity Gossip Time

We haven't gossiped in a while, so let's get started! ~Britney Spears and her fiance (and conservator) Jason Trawick broke…


Baby Stuff: 5 Things WB’s Loving

Baby Things by jvergin on Polyvore I always like reading about what things other babies like (so I can steal…


Friday iPhone Dump

I don't know what happened this week, but I took like no pictures. Here's the best of what I had.…


Target Clearance Shopping ~ Q & A

I've been getting a lot of comments and questions about my Target 90% of clearance posts, so I thought I'd…


Friday’s Letters

Dear B, I was so impressed when you went grocery shopping on Monday and were done and unpacked in less…


January Love With Food Box Review

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. My January Love With Food box unexpectedly arrived in my mailbox today. A few…


Only the best invention ever…

We have a salad chain near us (Salad Creations) that makes the best chopped salads. I like it better than…


Who Thought of This Sh*t?

Stars in Danger: I happened to catch "Stars in Danger: The High Dive" last night and while it was insanely…


Polls: The Results

A while back there used to be this link-up (on Tuesdays maybe?) called "Is it Normal"? It always cracked me…


So What Wednesday

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…


iPad vs. LeapPad

I know a lot of moms have trouble deciding between the LeapPad and the iPad. L has (and uses) both,…


2013 Pay It Forward “Contest”

Okay, I mentioned how I am working on Paying it Forward due to my amazing Secret Santa gift this year…


Have you ever met anyone you met online in person?

Okay, I totally cannot believe I haven't asked this yet. Today I want to know if you have ever met…


90% Off Target Christmas Clearance Haul – Round 2

Ohh, you thought I'd just go to one Target during 90% off time and be done with it? Ha, ha!…


Sunday Social

I decided to link-up with Neely over at A Complete Waste of Makeup for this week's Sunday Social. 1. Do…


Silent Sunday


GAP Sale Haul (and why in-store is often better than online).

Once I found out that Target wasn't 90% off yesterday, I still wanted to get some deals. I'd been wanting…


My 90% off Target Christmas Clearance Haul

I set my alarm this morning for 7:30am, which is super early for me. I get up early for two…


It’s 90% Off Target Christmas Clearance Time (I Think)

I heard reports of some Target's going 90% off (on their Christmas clearance) yesterday and I have my fingers crossed…


January Stork Stack Review

Note: As of April 2014, Stork Stack has merged with bluum. Stork Stack had a coupon code code last month…


Friday iPhone Dump

1. L and I undecorated the Christmas tree(s) yesterday and it was almost as much fun as decorating it.  Until…


Friday’s Letters

Dear CC Company, Okay, fine, you caught me. I did indeed go to 4 different Targets in one day. I…


Have you ever been called for jury duty?

I have no idea what got me thinking about this, but in my 17 years as a registered voter (I'll…


Random Ramblings

~First of all, I am hoping that today is the day for Target's 90% of Christmas / Holiday clearance to…


January Birchbox Man Review

This month's theme is Resolutions. The information card said “Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank…
