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Kiwi Crate Review + Coupon Code – January 2013

Kiwi Crate Review + Coupon Code – January 2013

January's Kiwi Crate theme was "family game night" and included two projects "my board game" and "my comet toss".  We…


Subscription Box Q & A

I thought I'd answer a few questions I get asked often (in e-mails, by friends, in comments, etc.): ~How many…


Valentine’s Day Decorations

I finally put away my Christmas tree this weekend (*) and got started on decorating for Valentine's Day right away.…


What do you set your thermostat at in the winter?

Growing up we always had the thermostat set low. Like low. And I was always freezing. So when I moved…


Monday Morning Ramblings

~Well what do you know? Our trip to Chuck E. Cheese has resulted in a runny nose for L. It's…


Silent Sunday


Lucky Mama BoobieBox Review

Edited to Add: Lucky Mama is no longer in business. Lucky Mama is relatively new service that offers "special deliveries…


Sunday Social

I'm linking up today with A Complete Waste of Makeup for this week's Sunday Social. Unlike last week though, I…


January Mantry Review – Hecho En America

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Must to my surprise, B's January Mantry box arrived today. I had received the…


December Mommébox Review

Edited to Add: Mommébox is no longer in business. I signed up for Mommébox before they launched because it seemed like…


January PopSugar Must Have Box ~ SPOILERS!

January PopSugar Must Have Box by jvergin on Polyvore Thanks to the wonderful ladies over at Makeup Talk, we got…


Muffin Tin Meals ~ Take 2

 I did a post about Muffin Tin Meals over a year ago, but I don't think many people read my…


January Citrus Lane Review

Luckily I was home today to receive my January Citrus Lane box(es) because my mail lady was planning on taking them…


Friday iPhone Dump

1. WB very much enjoyed our trip to Chuck E. Cheese yesterday (so much to look at) and even got…


Friday’s Letters

Dear My New Planner, Get here soon so I can get planning. I didn't know that I used my planner…


January Mommébox Review

Edited to Add: Mommébox is no longer in business. My January Mommébox arrives today and I couldn't wait to tear…


So much of nothing….

I'm not going to lie, that's just another title for Random Ramblings. Tricky right? I try to only do Random…


Wantable Makeup Review – January 2013 is a new'ish subscription service that offers hand-selected boxes filled with items that perfectly match your style.  You can select from…


What I’m Loving Wednesday

I'm linking up again with this kind of love for What I'm Loving Wednesday. I'm Loving..... Door to Door Organics: I…


So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…


A Few Updates…

~OMG, I totally thought that my Pay It Forward contest ended tonight at 11:59pm. Umm, no. Turns out it ended…


January Birchbox Review

This month's Birchbox didn't arrive as quickly as last month's box, but you can't always get them super early! I'd…


You got here how??

One of my favorite things about having a blog is being able to see what people googled to brought them…


January 2013 ipsy Glam Bag Review

I think ipsy might be on a roll because, like last month, I liked this bag a lot! But still,…


Poll: Would you hire a hot nanny / babysitter?

I caught part of a story about this on The Jeff Probst Show (I like him) last week and the…
