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Silent Sunday (Flashback Friday Version)


Thoughts On: Miss America (+ A Poll)

I didn't watch all of Miss America last night, but I caught bit and pieces. Enough to do a post…


Sunday Social

I cannot wait to read everyone's link-ups today over at A Complete Waste of Makeup for this week's Sunday Social.…


Celebrity Gossip Time

We haven't gossiped in a while, so let's get started! ~Britney Spears and her fiance (and conservator) Jason Trawick broke…


Baby Stuff: 5 Things WB’s Loving

Baby Things by jvergin on Polyvore I always like reading about what things other babies like (so I can steal…


Friday iPhone Dump

I don't know what happened this week, but I took like no pictures. Here's the best of what I had.…


Target Clearance Shopping ~ Q & A

I've been getting a lot of comments and questions about my Target 90% of clearance posts, so I thought I'd…


Friday’s Letters

Dear B, I was so impressed when you went grocery shopping on Monday and were done and unpacked in less…


January Love With Food Box Review

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. My January Love With Food box unexpectedly arrived in my mailbox today. A few…


Only the best invention ever…

We have a salad chain near us (Salad Creations) that makes the best chopped salads. I like it better than…


Who Thought of This Sh*t?

Stars in Danger: I happened to catch "Stars in Danger: The High Dive" last night and while it was insanely…


Polls: The Results

A while back there used to be this link-up (on Tuesdays maybe?) called "Is it Normal"? It always cracked me…


What I’m Loving Wednesday!

I'm linking up again with this kind of love for What I'm Loving Wednesday. I'm Loving..... lululemon don't worry be happy…


So What Wednesday

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…


iPad vs. LeapPad

I know a lot of moms have trouble deciding between the LeapPad and the iPad. L has (and uses) both,…


2013 Pay It Forward “Contest”

Okay, I mentioned how I am working on Paying it Forward due to my amazing Secret Santa gift this year…


Have you ever met anyone you met online in person?

Okay, I totally cannot believe I haven't asked this yet. Today I want to know if you have ever met…


Monday Morning Ramblings

~As you've seen, I have had a busy weekend of Target Christmas clearance shopping. I have my fingers crossed that…


90% Off Target Christmas Clearance Haul – Round 2

Ohh, you thought I'd just go to one Target during 90% off time and be done with it? Ha, ha!…


Sunday Social

I decided to link-up with Neely over at A Complete Waste of Makeup for this week's Sunday Social. 1. Do…


Silent Sunday


GAP Sale Haul (and why in-store is often better than online).

Once I found out that Target wasn't 90% off yesterday, I still wanted to get some deals. I'd been wanting…


My 90% off Target Christmas Clearance Haul

I set my alarm this morning for 7:30am, which is super early for me. I get up early for two…


It’s 90% Off Target Christmas Clearance Time (I Think)

I heard reports of some Target's going 90% off (on their Christmas clearance) yesterday and I have my fingers crossed…


January Stork Stack Review

Note: As of April 2014, Stork Stack has merged with bluum. Stork Stack had a coupon code code last month…
