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Is This Normal?

Poll: Do You Sleep with the Fan On?

I cannot believe we haven't done this poll yet. I hear this question asked by my Facebook friends all the…

Poll: What do you set your thermostat to in the winter?

I did this exact same poll last year, but this Polar Vortex has me all kinds of wondering how nasty…

A Poll: How Many E-Mail Addresses Do You Have?

In another totally meaningless, but I am curious about it polls, comes the question of how many e-mail addresses do…

Poll: Shoes in the House? Yay or Nay?

This poll has nothing to do with basically anything (#random), but I am curious, do you wear your shoes in…

Poll: How often do you wash your jeans?

Okay, so I posted a link to a video of Tommy Hilfiger earlier in a week saying how he never…

Poll: How Much Does The Tooth Fairy Leave?

This isn't a problem we have here yet, but it's certainly something I, oops I mean, the Tooth Fairy wants to…

A Poll: Do You Match Polishes?

Last week I was painting my nails and I realized that my toe nail polish and my finger nail polish…

Is it Normal?

I'd ask my husband to play, but he's out of of town. So I am going to answer like I…

Is It Normal?

1. Is it normal to live with your parents past the age of 24? No. This is NOT normal. Unless…

Is It Normal?

1. Is it normal to lie about your age? Yeah, I think this is normal.  I don't lie about my…

Is That Normal?

1. Is it normal to drive 5 mph over the speed limit?  10 mph? For sure.  On the freeway, 10mph over…

Is It Normal?

1. Is it normal to pretend you didn't already know about someone/something via Facebook when it comes up in a "real…