Monday Morning Ramblings

Monday Morning Ramblings

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Totally nothing going on here. I am still trying to get back in the swing of things from…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! I'm back!  I didn't post about it here, but I met B in Hawaii (he was there for…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! B's traveling this week, so it's just the little boys and I! Not sure what our plans are…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! It's been a minute since I posted a Monday Morning Ramblings, but I'm back! We spent the weekend…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Lots of things happening around here! First of all, it's the boys LAST week of school! Finally! They…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! This weekend was much busier than I had anticipated. B was away all weekend for National Guard so…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! This week should be much calmer/slower than last week and I am so happy about that. Last week…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Such a good weekend. Not only was yesterday Mother's Day, but it was also L's 10's Birthday! I…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! B had drill this weekend so it was just the little boys and I. We ended up going…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! I am hoping for a much calmer week around here. Last week was just too much! I think the…

Monday Morning Ramblings – On Tuesday!

~Good morning! Since I missed Sunday Sentiments AND Monday Morning Ramblings I thought I'd check in today! Our weekend was…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! It's back to normal around here this week! Last week was Spring break, the week before that was "pre-Spring…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! We don't have too much happening this week. The boys have a half day Friday, but other than that…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! This week should be much calmer than last week! I think a PTO meeting is the only thing…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! This week seems like it's going to be a wild one. We have tons of Science Olympiad stuff,…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Sorry for being MIA around here last week. We were out of town and I always feel weird…

Monday Morning Ramblings

  ~Good morning!  I don't have much to report on here other than snow.  We had a snow day Friday…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! The boys spent the night at my parent's house on Saturday, so B and I pretty much had…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Not too much how this week is going to shake out! B may or may not have to…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning!   B and the boys all have the day off today so the weekend continues!  B has a…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! For the first time in ages we have a totally normal week.  The kids have a full week…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning!  Christmas is exactly one week from today!  How did that happen?  I always think I will have so…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning!  We've got a normal week happening around here and I love it!  B's not traveling and we have…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning!  Sorry for not posting last night!  We had a PTO party to write names on ornaments for all…

Monday Morning Ramblings

  ~Good morning!  B's traveling this week, but first we have to get thru our first Science Olympiad meeting.  L…