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Help! And (more) random ramblings!

~I think I have mentioned it before (or not?), but I want to start making my own food for WB.…

Random Ramblings

~Today is my 6 year anniversary. B's too actually ;). Sometimes I can't believe it's been that long. It feels…

Random Ramblings

~First of all, I want to take a minute to remember the events of 9-11-01.  It's hard to believe that…

Random Ramblings

~First things first.  I posted my blog review of The Honest Company on their Facebook site the other day.  They…

Random Ramblings

~If you follow me on Instagram, you know that WB and I went to IKEA. Just WB and I. My…

Random Ramblings

~Today marks seven (yes, SEVEN) years since B and I met. I won't bore you with the story of how…

Random Ramblings

~I want to have a giveaway soon. Another favorite things type giveaway.  I'm thinking a mix of my favorite things,…

Random Ramblings

~I "wore" W for the first time ever over the weekend. We have a Chicco carrier and I am not…

Random Ramblings

~Okay so I figured out how to fix my little Facebook problem. Well, not really, but I removed all that…

Weekend Ramblings

So I was trying to figure out what exactly we did this weekend and couldn't come up with much? But…

Random Ramblings

~I'm thinking about having a "for sale" tab on my blog. Not sure what I would sell really, but I…

Weekend Ramblings

Another weekend has come and gone. And we made it through the entire weekend without breaking anything. Not too bad…

Weekend Ramblings

I am sure you figure it out by now, but we spent the 4th of July "up-north". I'd give you…

Random Ramblings

I sort of mentioned it here last week, but B and I have been eating clean.  So good-bye frozen yogurt and…

Random Ramblings…

L and I set on on Sunday morning (his birthday) in search of a Sponge Bob balloon. I had previously…

Random Ramblings

B and I had a mini date night last night. It was mini date night because we had W, but…

Random Ramblings

I am just wrapping up my first week home with my little boys and am having a great time! I…

Random Ramblings

I swear these random rambling posts will slow down soon. But these days, stringing together an entire post that makes…

Random Ramblings

I got the curtains I ordered from Etsy for L's room last weekend and I LOVE them. Totally worth the…

Random Ramblings

B has managed to rack up another international speeding ticket.  This one was from Germany.  And unlike the Italians, they…

Random Ramblings

I got my Benefit House Party pack in the mail the other day.  I tore right into into and was…

Random Ramblings

So now that Lucas is better, it's only natural that someone else got sick.  Who was that you ask?  Not…

Random Ramblings

I applied to be a host of a Benefit "Laughter is the Best Cosmetic" House Party and I got accepted!…

Random Ramblings

If your 3 year old dumps a cup of water(*) on your his iPad and it totally won't work, putting…

Random Ramblings

I started working on (and finished) L's quiet time bins.  I am super excited about them and I think L…