Friday iPhone Dump!

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Once again, it’s time for my favorite post of the week!
1.  Last Friday night we went to our local Rec Center (that is two minutes from our house).  B and L swam while W and I just chilled and watched.  It was so nice!
2.   L got a sprinkler for his birthday (thanks again!) and we tested it out yesterday.  L wanted to run through it in his clothes, so I let him (you gotta pick your battles and I could care less if he gets his clothes wet).  And I ran through a few times too.  And you know what?  It was super fun!
3.  I looked out from the kitchen table Sunday morning to see B clad in his famous green shorts (actually these are different green shorts) and his tall winter boots while doing some yardwork.  No shirt on (of course not).  Did I mention it wasn’t even that warm out?  It was maybe 65 degrees??  At least his legs were warm.
4.  My brother and SIL are having a garage sale this weekend, so we brought over a bunch of stuff to sell.  B was supposed to be home yesterday afternoon from his trip to help me get it all ready.  But thanks to Delta and their canceled flight, I got to do it all alone while B got to spend 8 hours at the Little Rock airport.  Ugh.  That’s what I get for waiting till the last minute!  I am not sure who had it the worst.
5.   So B is on this new diet (I am not even sure you could call it that, but I am going to) and made me take some before pictures.  I’ll post the after ones too, but I think the before ones were pretty good ;).  And I actually really like that tattoo on his back.
6.  Isn’t W’s new trick the BEST?  Ugh. Melts my heart!  He smiles at me, well, when he’s in the mood too, but he smiles at his owl mobile every time he sees it!  He loves those owls.  I like to tell myself it’s because he sees the owls left often than he sees me.  Even if it’s not true, it makes me feel better.
7. After a million suggestions one day, L finally agreed he wanted to paint, so both he and I did some painting.  I love love love doing craft projects with him and wish we could do one every day!
8.  When L gets bored because no one is playing with him because I am feeding W, I have him break out his iPad.  It’s amazing how quickly kids learn things new things.  I just can’t understand how someone who can’t even read the instructions is better than me at pretty much every game.  How does he even know how to play???

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

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