Freebie Friday!

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

It’s Freebie Friday time again and here is what I scored this week:

$10 Chili's Gift Card

$10 Chili’s gift card from the Coke Zero NCAA Instant Win game. We like Chili’s (and there is one right by one of my favorite Target stores), so this perfect! This was an instant win, so I knew right away I had won it. But it’s always better to actually get it in the mail. Gift card wins are the best!


$15 Dollar General Gift Card

$15 Dollar General gift card from a Pepsi Superbowl sweepstakes. This was a total surprise. I love knowing things are on their way, but there is nothing like getting a surprise win in the mail. I once received a GPS from UPS with no prior notice. My husband opened it (he loves opening my wins) and actually thought maybe I had ordered it for him since he had been wanting one. It had no paperwork, letter, etc. To this day, I have no clue where it came from.


True Blue Spa Travel Size Lotion

Travel Size True Blue Spa Lotion from the monthly Luv BBW Club. I also used a coupon I had for a free product when I spent $10. So I spent my $10 on something I needed anyways and walked out with lots of loot! I was sad that BBW was out of the cute Easter soaps, but oh well :(.

Bottle Opener from Marlboro

Bottle Opener from Marlboro.  This was my husband’s birthday gift from them and he says it will be perfect for his bar in the basement.  The only problem is that he has not built that bar yet…

So what did you get free this week???

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Dani

    I got a free drink from the Starbucks rewards program. I also got a Nyalbone doggie treat giftbag that I won in a contest (and will be posting about soon) which the girls loved.

    1. Jennifer

      Dani I want to see a picture of the giftbag!!

  2. melanee

    uhhhhh nothing. how are you getting all this free crap?!

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! I sign up for freebies all the time! This blog: always has great ones posted! And I enter contests like crazy to win stuff. I blogged about that the other day. People really do win I swear!

  3. Cindy

    I might have to stop reading Freebie Fridays….I feel like such a LOSER!!! LOL! 🙁

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