Top 2 Tuesdays!

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I thought it would be fun to link up with Taylor over at The Undomesticated Momma this week for Top 2 Tuesdays!  This week’s topic is Top 2 Things You Collect.

I will be the first to admit, collections are not really my thing. At all. I know some people collect water globes or Precious Moments or shot glasses or whatever, but for me, that is just more stuff to dust (*). And doll collections, wow, do those freak me out. I don’t actually know anyone in real life with one (or do I??) who collections them, but I saw an episode of Hoarders once where the lady had over 5,000 dolls jammed in her house (along with assorted other crap). I almost needed therapy after that episode. I could just feel those dolls staring at me and that doll parade?? Wow. Creepy.

But here are 2 things that I do actually “collect”:

1. Stress Relief Toys. A few years ago, without even trying, I realized I had a nice collection of stress relief toys (I actually call them squeezy stress animals / balls / whatever). So ever since, I have made an effect to collect more. I would say I get them mostly from sponsored events I attend (clearly nothing fancy) and my sister-in-law recently gave me a bunch she had laying around, including the new pride and joy of my collection, a gavel (she is an attorney). I cannot even believe she gave up this gem! People know that you mean business when you smack that gavel down. Order in the court!!!!!! Oh, and these things do not actually de-stress me at all and are often used by L for creative play.  He builds them places to live and makes up stories about them.

Stress Relief Toys

2. Christmas Ornaments:  Every time I go on vacation, I purchase a Christmas ornament as a souvenir from the trip.  I love getting out the ornaments year after year and remembering what fun we had on the trips.  Last year B was out of town, so it was just L and I decorating the tree and we had so much fun talking about each ornament and what we did at that place.  However, we had a bit of an incident and ended up with this:


Yep, there are all our special ornaments smashed to bits on the tile!  I had to laugh when L and I walked in and saw this.  Aww, well, amazingly enough, so many of our vacation ornaments didn’t break.  I was actually shocked.  But even if they did break, no one can take away our memories.  Plus, it just gives us another reason to take a vacation!

So, what do you collect??  Make sure to link up because I cannot wait to hear all about it!

(*) In the interest of full disclosure, I am not the one that is actually doing the dusting anyways. But still.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Anna Nichols

    Love collecting Christmas ornaments! It’s so fun to “re-live” the memories each year! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      It is fun!!

  2. Shannon

    I literally collect NOTHING. I mean nothing, I’m trying to think and yep still nothing.

    1. Jennifer

      Nothing wrong with that Shannon!!!

  3. Tana

    The fallen Christmas tree made me laugh because we had the same thing happen to us last year! Luckily it fell onto the carpet and nothing broke!

    1. Jennifer

      LOL!! I laugh everytime i look at that picture! Maybe I should consider putting my tree on the carpet???

  4. Caroline

    I love that you collect stress relievers. That’s so awesome and they’re all so cute! I love to collect ornaments too.

    1. Jennifer


  5. Amanda

    I was so sad to learn that judges don’t really use gavels. I mean, what the heck is the point of becoming a judge if I can’t slam my gavel down now and then?

    1. Jennifer

      Maybe you could start a gavel comeback? At the very least, I would loan you my stress gavel to bang on your desk.

  6. Cindy

    The only collection I have….IS dust!! Unless you count Pandora charms….which I like my husband to collect for me…??

    1. Jennifer

      I would like my husband to collect diamonds for me, but so far, no luck!

  7. Dani

    I almost didn’t give that gavel up, but it was in a bag for a long time and it had been quite a while since I pounded it on my desk. Figured you would get a kick out of it.

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