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Current Obsession: Sweet Potato Fries

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A few weeks ago I ordered sweet potato fries with my dinner at a local restaurant. I don’t think I have ever had them before and I wasn’t sure if I would like them. And guess what? I didn’t like them, I LOVED them. Amazing. I have been thinking about them ever since. I walked by the fry freezer at my local fruit / meat market (kind of a high-end grocery store) and a lightbulb went off in my head. Duh, they sell pre-made ones. On a side note, has anyone actually made homemade french fries? I don’t exactly cook, although I almost made some spaghetti the other night, so I haven’t. But B would be up for the task I think. I do the grocery shopping and planning. And he cooks. Don’t feel bad for him. He likes it. If I cook any kind of meat, I end up cutting it into 8 million pieces while it’s cooking so I can make sure it’s cooked all the way thru.

Anyways, back to my fries. I bought some and brought them home to B to cook up. There was no brand selection involved in my purchase. The store had one brand and that’s the brand I got.


I’m also wondering if sweet potato fries are somehow better for you than regular fries? Anyone? I mean, clearly they are better than McDonald’s fries (which are more than fabulous with a giant fountain Diet Coke), but are they better than the average frozen fries? I’m interesting to see what people who really know about labels think!


We had an beautiful weekend here and it was only natural for B to fire up the barbecue and grill up some burgers.  Paired with the sweet potato fries and some fresh fruit, it made for the perfect pre-summer summer day meal!

Have you tried sweet potato fries?  I realize I am likely way late for this train and am guessing you all have been enjoying these for years without me!  What else am I missing out on??

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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