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It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if..
- I typically always order the same menu items at restaurants.
- There are some things about the financial markets I just do not understand. This girl should have paid more attention in econ class!
- “Planking” cracks me up. Who invented this? What a stupid idea. Yet I find it totally hysterical.
- I am already thinking about Christmas cards. Never too early to start planning!
- I do a sweep of L’s toys every once in a while to make sure we aren’t missing any pieces or parts. I hate when we start playing with something and pieces are missing.
- Whenever we see a UPS truck on the road, L says “I hope he comes to my house”. Me too L, me too.
- B and I are way more interested in L’s ant farm than he is. I could watch those ants all day. And so what if 3/4 of my first any shipment arrived dead. I ordered 2x the amount the next time and now have way too many ants. Whatever. Anyone know what happens when they run out of room to tunnel??
- Sometimes Baxter and Buddy get locked in various rooms in the house and I have no clue about it until I realize they are missing and go on a search. And sure enough, I open up the basement door and there one of them is, just sitting there. You’d think they would bark to notify us they were trapped. Nope, they just sit there and don’t make a sound. (*)
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week??

(*) So the other morning L was upstairs putting the finishing touches on his outfit or whatever and I was downstairs letting the dogs out and making L breakfast. I left the door open so the dogs could come in when they were done. I look and see Buddy in the kitchen, but no sign of Baxter. So I start calling his name thinking he is in the house somewhere. L comes down to see what I am doing and starts calling for Baxter too. So are are walking around the outside of the house, yelling for Baxter. My neighbor hears us and asks if we need help. As we all stand in the driveway trying to figure out what to do, I decide to go in the house to see if maybe I have locked him in a room on accident or something. You know, one last attempt before we go looking for him with the car. And sure enough, who comes waltzing down the stairs looking calm as ever? Baxter. L looks right at me and tells me that Baxter was in the choo-choo room (aka L’s playroom). L went on to tell me that he was walking down the stairs as Baxter was walking up them. He said that Baxter was “playing with Gordon”. WHAT? L knew where Baxter was the entire time, never once mentioned it and actually helped me look for him. LOL. I’d love to know what he thought we were trying to do out there!!!
(*) So the other morning L was upstairs putting the finishing touches on his outfit or whatever and I was downstairs letting the dogs out and making L breakfast. I left the door open so the dogs could come in when they were done. I look and see Buddy in the kitchen, but no sign of Baxter. So I start calling his name thinking he is in the house somewhere. L comes down to see what I am doing and starts calling for Baxter too. So are are walking around the outside of the house, yelling for Baxter. My neighbor hears us and asks if we need help. As we all stand in the driveway trying to figure out what to do, I decide to go in the house to see if maybe I have locked him in a room on accident or something. You know, one last attempt before we go looking for him with the car. And sure enough, who comes waltzing down the stairs looking calm as ever? Baxter. L looks right at me and tells me that Baxter was in the choo-choo room (aka L’s playroom). L went on to tell me that he was walking down the stairs as Baxter was walking up them. He said that Baxter was “playing with Gordon”. WHAT? L knew where Baxter was the entire time, never once mentioned it and actually helped me look for him. LOL. I’d love to know what he thought we were trying to do out there!!!
I’m already plotting holidays. For Halloween, Leah’s going as Glinda the Good Witch and I’m going as Dorothy (and we’re going to force my brother’s dog to be Toto), so I need to start sewing costumes. And I’m thinking about Christmas cards, too…I need to figure what I want to make for clothes/shirts, and then allow for at least a month to get a decent picture of my children. (Last year, I got the shirts made, but failed in the picture department. After half an hour of attempting I got pissed, told them they were being stupid, and abandoned all hope of a Christmas card. Yes, I’m a bad mom.)
I cracked up at your UPS So What. L is too funny!
I HATE planks. Hate them. Pure torture. I would also like to know what was going through Lucas’ mind while he was helping you “find” Baxter.